Happy St Patrick's Day
Happy St Patrick's Day
Happy St Patrick's Day
On a side note, we got a Scotty and an Irishy. If they do a Cornish character, I'll just assume they're going through the list and that there'll be someone from Wales next.
"Welshy, we need more power!"
"Rwy'n rhoi'r cyfan sydd ganddi, Capten!"
"So, is that a yes?"
Warp core gets ejected
Incoherent Welsh yelling
O crap, doeddwn i ddim yn bwriadu taflu'r toriad ystof
"You have five minutes to bring main power back on line, Yorkshirey!"
"Five minutes? Luxury... back in my day, we had five seconds."
That's beautiful .... from Number One to Erin go bragh
Purges the backlogs. Except that one time.
I am 1/8ths Irishman and I am an engineer; thus my baseline is 1/8ths suffering whilst being watched.
The universal balance is that in exchange for your suffering, you are one of the key people that keep the world working.