Canadian name registrar?
Canadian name registrar?
I have a bunch of domains on NameCheap but would like to move them to a non American company, preferably Canadian but just not American is good enough honestly.
What are you guys using?
Canadian name registrar?
I have a bunch of domains on NameCheap but would like to move them to a non American company, preferably Canadian but just not American is good enough honestly.
What are you guys using?
Tucows, easyhosting, and rebel are all Canadian registrars I've dealt with.
I moved my domains for self hosted apps to and flipped the to .ca while I was at it. They claim to be the cheapest .ca registrar but I'll be honest I haven't fact checked that.
They also seem to have a pretty complete offering for everything a business would need to host things with a Canadian company.
I've used easydns forever. It's cheap, Canadian, been around since 1998.
They look good! Thanks! 🙂
We've been using and they seem to be pretty solid. Cheaper than easydns
They came up a lot in my search and seem great! Thinking I might go with them is great
They're great! I eventually switched from them for a better UI/UX though 🥲
Oh, merci! Je vais regarder ça. J'ai vu le registraire aussi, avez-vous expérience avec celui-là? (désolé pour mon mauvais français, j'apprends encore)
Sorry for the french bad habbit of.mine I switch alot between them.
I do not know, im still interrested by your findings.
Ton français me semble très bon, aucun besoin de t’en excuser!
Si tu es ouvert à une correction, il manque un “de l’”: “Avez-vous de l’expérience”. Note que ce n’est absolument pas un problème pour la compréhension, la phrase était très claire et bien formulée, c’est simplement un petit détail de grammaire.
I moved my domains over to because they are supported by both letsencrypt and — happy with their service so far and zero complaints.
Oh, that's a good point. I bought my latest domain with Canspace, but I'm not seeing anything about DNS challenge support
I've switched to EasyDNS as well, over from AWS.
If you're on the lower-tier/unicast plan, have you had any issues with MX records for email? I set up mine ~10 days ago, and A, CNAME, and most TXT records are working flawlessly, but anything email-related fails to resolve 30% of the time (checked through 3rd party DNS lookup tools, as well as just sending/receiving test messages seeing what gets through).
Unfortunately haven't, I don't rely on any of my personal domains for email.
I did just re-check to see if the email forwarding was working correctly, and it is -- but if it was failing sporadically I'm not sure I would even notice because my usage of it is so minimal.
For what it's worth, I did need to use their email support once and they were very pleasant and easy to work with.
Sweet, i'll check them out! Thanks :)