pickle and peanuts for dinner
pickle and peanuts for dinner
pickle and peanuts for dinner
This looks like a pregnancy craving.
I didn't! But I'm a guy! My wife didn't. Not up my butt!
Praying for you
Pickles and nuts are standard charcuterie staples. You've got salty and savory and a little bit of fat. You need sweet to round this out. I would take your pickles and peanuts and spread them onto a whole wheat cracker (Ritz) or toast. Another option would be to add a jam into the mix and eat with a more neutral rice cracker.
Or, if you want to continue to be a degenerate, M&M's would be good. Or hollow out a Cadbury egg and stuff it with the pickles/nuts mixture.
Do they... taste better together?
Apparently there's people who love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches
dill pickle slices and peanut butter are pretty darn good together. I've eaten it off and on my whole life. My mom liked it, so it got passed down to me. She would make it as a sandwich, where I prefer it on saltine crackers. It's surprising how the two flavors complement each other...
You know you don't even have to peel them, you can eat the shell.
Looks like it would fit right on top of Congee
Plate it on a canapé spoon and you have a sick appetizer, bro.
some people really seek the worst things in life