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  • I only wish spiders wanted to be hugged and kissed as much I want to hug and kiss them. Actually, this applies to a lot of things.

  • Spider bro is my ally against the wool moths, at the moment. If I catch one I'm putting it in the closet.

    They earn their keep.

    We had aphids in the garden last year. Wolf spider moved in, big fat guy. Made short work of em. Wolf spider is welcome among my lettuce any day.

  • My wife and all my kids are deathly afraid of spiders. I put them all outside and I'm happy that's the example I'm setting.

    Spider bro, spider bro, keeping that fly population low.

  • perhaps if they wanted to live inside my house they should have considered not going out of their way to make my instincts scream for death?

    Do what orb weavers do: set up a web and stay there, and if you have to move do so slowly.
    Respect me and i'll respect you, run at me with your too many legs and i will send you back to god for adjustments.