Got it. I thought you meant 12-14 openings each, and I was arguing semantics to myself about what could possibly be considered "openings" to make the number that big.
Vagina probably wouldn't be considered a hole but a cleft in this situation. Everything else in that list is connected to the digestive system in some way but not the vagina.
The ears are connected to the throat via the Eustachian tubes. Those tubes are the reason why you can swallow and equalize the pressure in your ears when you are diving or in an airplane. Noses are connected via the sinus cavities.
Yes, but there's no single "tube" from your intestines to your kidneys. Your intestines absorb the liquid and then send it through a branching network of tubes which eventually end up at the kidneys.
Here's some trivia: People who don't have the sublingual frenulum can, with some practice, reach their tongues to the nasal cavity and directly touch the back side entrance of both the nasal tubes (choanas) and eustachian tubes (auditory, surrounded by the bony cushion).
It's seven up to infinite, really. Topologically the number of holes increases if you have some certain features in your nasal cavities or have additional puncta
Well, if you count the pores, too, there's many many holes, and if you get everyone on Earth to put one of their holes on one or more of someone else's holes, there's many many many holes.