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What happens to all the used guns?

You always hear about gun sales in the US, but you never hear about what happens to the guns at the end of their lifecycle. I assume guns wear out eventually, and I assume you can't just chuck them in the garbage when they do. What happens to them?

  • Depends.

    Some are broken down for parts. Some get broken down and recycled. Some get used as a display piece and end up being inherited.

    But, yeah, you can just chuck them in the trash. You aren't supposed to, but it isn't like an unloaded and busted up gun is dangerous. If you dump a bunch and the atf gets wind of it, expect some uncomfortable time spent explaining yourself. But a single gun? Nobody will even know unless they go looking through trash. But the atf does have guidelines for destroying firearms, and you can always turn them in to police or the atf and they'll get the job done.

    Right now, I have a shotgun that hasn't worked in maybe sixty years. No parts available because it's just that old and nobody makes them. I'd have to have someone make the parts it needs. But, it was my great, great grandfather's, so I just keep it clean and protected.

    But, I picked up some firearms a few years back from a lady that wanted to get rid of her deceased husband's collection fast and for cash. One of them was not only in horrible shape, unsafe to fire, but it was illegal. Broke it down, recycled what could be, sold the few parts that were usable, then trashed the rest.

    Truth is, most guns are going to last a couple of generations since the moving parts can be replaced for anything that's popular enough. Like the 1911, as a perfect example. Some of the originals are out there, still in shape and safe to use because you only need some of the parts replaced as they wear out; the main body of the gun isn't going to just fail in normal usage. Tens of thousands of rounds through some of them.

    So the only time a gun wears out is when you can't replace what breaks, or what breaks is the parts that would essentially mean you're buying a new gun rather than repairing an old one.

    There's guns from the 1800s still being used out there. Not as many as there used to be because they're fairly valuable, but still. Same with stuff even older, though the older they are the less likely they are to every be fired again, no matter what condition they're in.

    My cousin has an old garand my grandfather gave him that he still shoots weekly, and it was carried in action. That thing is damn near a century old, and has been all over the world. I've got an old mauser rifle from the same era that's in great shape, if not exactly ideal since it was sporterized.

    If you were asking because you needed to dispose of a damaged firearm, I'd say you should check your local laws first, and then hand them over to whatever state, province, or equivalent for your country's law enforcement is. Mainly to cover your ass. But in the normal course of things, if you render it unrepairable, nobody is going to care what you do with what's left

  • They... get maintained (or not). All parts are serviceable, so it can be completely rebuilt in most cases.

  • My father in law has guns from 1800s that still function. I'm not a gun person at all but I am into my father in law liking me because I love his daughter and she loves his will lol. We've gone to the range to shoot them and they're being left to me eventually in almost certain. I appreciate that something that old is still kicking around and will be mine out of some sense of love or whatever but I'll prolly just sell them and use the money for my daughter's college or whatever but I guess the point of this useless paragraph is they can last many lifetimes if properly cared for. He's not a big gun guy either but they were passed down to him and are "collectors items" I guess.

  • They get "lost" in boating accidents.

    It's crazy how many guns are at the bottom of every lake and river.

  • Everyone's telling you why "It doesn't happen". They're not objectively wrong in their answers of how resilient firearms can be, but they're also not answering the question.

    The ultimate answer for a lot is "broken down and recycled". How do they get there, though?

    • A lot come through "buyback" programs, where guns can be turned over to authorities for some nominal reward. These tend to harvest a lot of inoperable weapons, frequently from people who had one but didn't know how to otherwise get rid of them.
    • In states with more lax firearm laws, scrap dealers may accept repairable weapons as scrap metal. In more stringent states, they may only accept them if you've destroy the weapon as /u/ outlined in the ATF poster.
    • Even in states with strict firearm laws, guns can frequently be turned over to authorities without charges. (CAUTION: Read guides on how to do this, and consult your local laws and policies before treating this as truth. Better yet, consult a legal professional.)
    • In some rare cases, a gun dealer may accept the gun, strip it of useful spare parts, and sell them independently.

    At this point, the gun will be deliberately damaged to render it nonfunctional (if it isn't already) and sent to a scrap metal handler. Metal components will be melted down and reused. Plastic or wood components may be recycled or thrown away.

  • I assume guns wear out eventually,

    They don't.

    I assume you can't just chuck them in the garbage when they do.

    You can slice them in pieces across the action, and dump them in the trash. You can surrender them to police; police will collect them in a barrel, and deliver it to a steel mill for recycling.