Skill issue, there's a button to change results from fractions to decimal point.
And mixed fraction too. These little calculators have so many features. My casio 991ex has a spreadsheet thing I haven't had the chance to use yet. They're so cool.
This calculator is the fucking best. Used it all through high school, engineering school, and now work. Showing it as a fraction first is super helpful and there's a button to change it to a decimal. The UI on the calculator actually allows you to enter formulas similar to how you'd write them and this calculator also solves equations for you although I've never found that very useful. I'm ride or die with the Casio fx series.
Le lycée m'a traumatisé. Je viens d'entendre dans ma tête la réponse de la team TX.
So is the joke here that OP misread+ for :?
I think the joke is it just gave the fraction of the same numbers instead of a decimal value.
If you want to add, don't use division.
That's accurate though.....
It's a bad title, unfortunately.
What's the original story behind the football players? Who is under the calculator?
I believe it is the last match Pep Guardiola acted as Barcelona FC coach, he won several trophies for the club and made the tiki-taka style famous. He was lucky enough to have great players like Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol or Busquets who took the club back to winning with a unique style.
Thanks !
After you get the answer as a fraction, press the SHIFT key to convert to decimal.
This is exactly why I was placed into remedial math in college