Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
Me personally, I’d rather have hands for feet. Makes me feel primal.
Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
Me personally, I’d rather have hands for feet. Makes me feel primal.
so like all feet or all hands?...hands...hands down
Oops all hands!
Definitely feet for hands. Would make sucking my toes so much easier.
I would have thought part of the appeal was becoming, for a short moment, a contortionist.
hands for feet, the possibilities with 4 hands is crazy. walking would suck though
Eh, I have super long toes that I can grab and manipulate stuff with and it's actually pretty great. The pain is finding shoes that fit, though.
So we can choose 4 hands or 4 feet?
Yeah, although this presents another interesting question…hands on legs and feet on arms?
Ears for feet sounded cool, but sucked