How are you doing with your communities?
How are you doing with your communities?
How are you doing with your communities?
We've reached 413 members in ! We also have more participation going on in the Weekly Threads I recently initiated (Issue 6 is ready to go out, tomorrow). If it is still on the timid side, I still find it very promising and encouraging ;)
Today more then ever, I think people should give journaling a chance. When things are getting stressful, this can help a lot. Be it to take a few steps back and consider things more calmly, or even just to put down emotions and feelings and try to deal with them. I hope our little community can encourage a few persons to start doing so.
Well done!
! has been seeing very steady growth, having nearly reached 400 subs!
! has also seen steady growth and quite active community participation. Overall the move to .cafe has worked out wonderfully, and it's proven itself to be a reliable instance :)
Quite impressed with !
Still a shame that ! don't want to consider consolidating, as the two are literally the same community (buyfromEU allows discussion about "neighboring friendly countries")
I must say I was impressed too.
I don't mind the two communities. Sure, it will be simpler to have a single one but I'm subscribed to both and that's ok.
The main issue I see is people coming from Reddit, finding the .org one and not seeing the .UK one, which is much more active
I was trying to mitigate this by mentioning it to new users, but the mods banned me for this:
Very pleased with the growth of our communities since the move to almost 2 weeks ago.
! is leading the way with just over 100 subscribers again. All kinds of new people have been posting music and leaving comments, it's great to see.
! isn't far behind with just under 100 subscribers. Lazy stoners, come on already! 💚
! has also been active since the move. With a little over 60 subscribers we're seeing active posting and trading which is awesome! I'm hopeful the community will continue to grow as more people become hopelessly addicted to this game.
! is seeing similar subscriber numbers. We were fortunate to have lead us off with some bangers to get things started. Awesome to see community members take the lead when a new place needs some love!
! hasn't seen much activity but it also didn't see much at it's old home either. For now it's mostly my space to post random racing videos I find on YouTube lol. More people are definitely invited though!
And on a more generic note the instance as a whole has been doing well. Some new members added and no stability issues, good times. Hopefully everyone is doing well with their projects.
Good stuff!
Is the Pokemon TCGM one also for physical card collectors? (Sorry if I've misunderstood something and/or this question doesn't make sense, I'm still kinda new to the hobby)
It's mainly intended to be about the Pocket edition of the TCG which is a mobile game. Some crossovers are fine with me as long as the bulk of the posting is related to the mobile game in some way. I don't play the physical game so I didn't plan for it to be part of that community. There's bound to be others interested in that too.
There are lots of Pokemon communities on Lemmy though. A look on lemmyverse shows several for the physical card game, maybe they're active?
If none of them are what you're looking for you could always spin up your own as well.
URGENT on ! the frequent poster has to take some time out for personal reasons and is asking other people to take over... I don't have any content to post there so I can't help out. But anyone with an interest in that topic who has some excerpts/reviews/info they want to post, I invite them to do so.
In other news.... ! is showing a bit of life... a couple different people have been posting each week, starting about a month ago. Not sure what that's about.
On ! I started doing a weekly post about the Mastodon weekly view parties. Then when I go to the view parties (which are a lot of fun!) I post a link to the lemmy post. That way I advertise each to each:
Finally, I've had some success advertising niche communities by posting spoiler-tagged lists of communities to new people when they ask for direction. Here's what I'm talking about, I welcome you to do something similar:
! got a lot of interest, but the higher barrier to entry means I'm still the only one posting. Edit: We have a new poster!
I did just promote it at !, which should help a bit.
! by contrast already has a few other people posting, and I'm happy with how it's growing so far.
The haiku community is nice, first time I hear about it. Have you promoted it on ! ?
Just posted there 6 hours ago, hopefully that picks up steam
! is being actively suppressed but its still slowly growing despite the deepstates best efforts its up to 175 subscribers now