What is your Favourite TV show (live-action or animated) of all time?
What is your Favourite TV show (live-action or animated) of all time?
What is your Favourite TV show (live-action or animated) of all time?
Psych. A cliche “murder mystery of the week” show has no business being as wholesome, kind, friendly, and upbeat as Psych. I realized a few years ago when I was going through some personal issues and had started rewatching Psych that it was helping me deal with the stress, and it wasn’t the first time I’ve done that with the show.
Maybe a year ago I went to Psych’s first convention near Chicago. It was both surprising and reassuring to hear other fans go up to ask the actors questions and they all shared similar stories to me. People have used to show to help them briefly escape from challenging situations from dealing with the death of loved ones all the way to someone using it as background TV while trying to study in medical school.
One of the few things I miss from Reddit is the active Psych subreddit over there.
Also, the 80’s references are fantastic.
I find it interesting how many people I've seen on Reddit (just started using Lemmy) say psych. It's not my favorite, but clearly there's a very positive sentiment.
The Simpsons and yes even the new seasons. I'm a true fan.
There are too many but I name one: Fawlty Towers
These shows always make me feel good when I watch them.
Family Guy!
Some that come to mind, and merely in order I thought of them:
Only finished shows considered, as a poor ending can ruin a show.
Star trek the next generation and deep space nine Battlestar Galactica The Orville
Yes, I'm a sci-fi nerd
Also "the good place", it's awesome
Have you watched the Expanse? I highly recommend it.
Farscape by a long shot.
Rockford Files
Cartoon : Dungeons & Dragons
Firefly and Futurama
It's always sunny in Philadelphia
Malcolm in the middle
Oh I forgot Malcom in the Middle. +1 to that.
Bob's Burgers hands down. It's just constantly showcases the wholesomeness I want to see in the world.
It shows a constantly imperfect world, and family, friends, and community standing together to survive it.
I could write a thesis, but I'm crying thinking about that Christmas episode now, you know the one.
"You love your family."
For a recent anime, Delicious in Dungeon is excellent!
This is hard.
I have a lot of "secondary" favorites I am excluding here, like The Expanse, Person of Interest, Fringe, The Americans, Narcos, Mythbusters, and such for various reasons, but are still amazing.
+1 for Avatar. Such a phenomenal cast of characters and world building. Korra got really weird but I still appreciate it.
I love LoK, honestly more than ATLA, for many reasons. Along those lines, I was more into ATLA for Zuko than the Gaang.
Futurama will always hold a special place in my heart
I’ll forever be obsessed with Family Guy
The Good Place. Perfect show, 10/10
Easily Star Trek: The Next Generation. It's mystery, sci-fi, action, drama, and period pieces (holo deck episodes). It has a bit of everything. Plus it's a hopeful vision of the future.
Fringe. Love that shit, watched the whole thing 10x.
Fringe is so underrated.
…Have you seen Severance? It feels more condensed, and I am loving it so far.
Ghost In The Shell, Haibane Renmei, and Gurren Lagann share the #1 spot for animated
Psych takes 1st place for live action
Arrested Development seasons 1-3 will always be special to me.
Can I have more than 1?
The Magicians
The Expanse
The Good Place
and if anime counts:
The Good Place is unbelievable. I never get bored rewatching it.
It's a tough choice between Futurama and Mythbusters
Well, I did just start rewatching Community for the n-th time...
Stargate (sg1 and Atlantis)
SG1 represent. A lot of people say it's old and campy, but I love it so much
There are many great shows that could take the nr 1 spot but SG-1 just has a special place in my heart. At least up to 8th season.
I've seen Archer far too many times. Funniest animated I've ever seen and I kinda want to watch it again. Gotta stop when the writers change at s10 tho.
Patriot is an amazing TV show that I've seen three times. It's a thriller, I guess. Quite funny but they play it straught. Reminds me of Fargo.
Edit because how on earth did I not mention True Detective season 1.
These three shows I will definitely watch again when I get time. Amazing attention to detail in each of them.
Mr Robot Mad Men
Golden Girls! The jokes still crack me up
How I met your mother. It never fails to entertain me.
It's on Netflix and I cannot express enough how much I adore this show
Pfft. ITT kids.
Twin Peaks.
Failing Twin Peaks, then Sapphire and Steel.