Reminder that an alternative for Starlink is needed, exchange between Musk and the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Reminder that an alternative for Starlink is needed, exchange between Musk and the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Reminder that an alternative for Starlink is needed, exchange between Musk and the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hubris. This is hubris.
Nemesis will follow, motherfucker, the Moires don't fuck around.
Oligarchs used to act the part, and have the appearance of being "classy".
Now Oligarchs are just a bunch of 4chan users.
Wtf is: "Be quiet, small man"
That's not an elegant way of speaking.
These people are supposed to be "upper class"?
Disgusting. Why the FUCK would you talk to our allies this way? The guy is a polish government official.. (I mean obviously I know why, Elon is a megalomaniac).
"Small man"??? WTF. I hate it.
If America was a real country this guy would've immediately been removed from any and all companies he runs.
Does SpaceX not have a board?
But what SpaceX does is so cool, and for the greater good of the humanity!
Don't let the fascists fool you, there are alternatives to Starlink. Eutelsat in France, Telesat in Canada and Inmarsat in the UK, just to name a few examples.
Why is starlink being used, do you know?
It’s faster, cheaper, and on the tech side more reliable (definitely not politically reliable though).
TBH I think any more low orbit telecom satellite arrays than we already have are just going to become a huge problem in the following decades.
Starlink is already being a problem currently, and it's not even fully deployed
This has been commented before.
Starlink flies at a very low altitude, meaning relatively high atmospheric drag, and a very short period of time before their sats deorbit if they go dead, less than ten years.
It's nowhere near the problem everyone makes it out to be.
This post has more upvotes on Lemmy than Reddit
Let my add one more then!
Elon is an absolute clown there are alternatives they just aren’t as robust at this time.
It's time for Europe to finally get their own solutions.
Here's one:
Seems to be about half as expensive as Starlink. 700ms latency though. So you won't be gaming skydsl.
It's called One Web by Eutelsat. Same latency and reliability, but less Mb/s about 70 Mb/s (and does it matter much for the few Kb packets to relay small amounts of data?).
Ah, the full Hitler, a bold move let’s see how it plays out.
"My starlink system". He's literally a walking, talking "you made this? I made this" meme.
I get what you're saying, but I refer to my car car. I didn't turn a wrench in its construction, nor did I design it, but it's still mine.
Except for the fact that he doesn't make anything, he pays people who do, then takes the credit for it. Is his way with everything: companies, gaming profiles...
I reread and still don't see what you're quoting.
When the war was turning in Ukraine's favor and they were about to push into Russia, he shut it off and crippled their counter offensive. I remember. Fuck Elon and fuck starlink.
Oh no I'm hearing from people that wa a technical glitch.
Which is why Starlink needs to be confiscated and managed by NATO. Somebody has to operate it, and it should be an entity who is on the side of Freedom amd Democracy.
Close. There was a geobarrier that he refused to remove. Because attacks against Russia are aggression.
Musk and Starlink aren't major difference makers in this war. It's a years-long slog where the main takeaway is "cheap and reliable in volume is more than a match for the newest and fanciest." It hasn't been on the verge of turning in Ukraine's favor since the end of Russia's initial push towards Kyiv.
I have a buddy who's been eating/sleeping/breathing this war and, hands down, cheap and reliable FPV drones have changed how warfare is done. It's the main reason why trench warfare came back, and one of the things that fucked Russia up in the mid-term. Apparently they have a long-standing strategy that involves armor and something something something that my buddy explained and I don't remember, but because there's always drones watching every inch of the front at all times, Ukraine was able to bust that strat by being able to dial in artillery fast and early. At least, that's how I'm remembering what was explained.
He also challenged Zuck to a cage match and chickened out when Zuck accepted. They’re both pieces of shit.
He even chickened out of his recent offer to come on the Daily Show and debate Job Stewart! He's a Nazi coward even when it's just talking...
Lol I forgot about that! Yeah fuck em both of course, but I feel like most folks would put their money on the ex-KGB agent who seized and kept control of freakin' Russia over nepo-baby "gamer", "engineer" Musk. What a goofy threat. And I say that as a middling gamer and engineer myself lol
Also a reminder that everyone who is not a Musk sheep should leave Twitter.
That would be Eutelsat, but it is smaller in scale (at the moment) and therefore more expensive. It's also said to be less userfriendly, but that should be possible to fix.
Hey, rest of the Democratic world, there are a whole bunch of ex feds right now needing funds and direction for their anger. Maybe you should tap into them if you need someone to rid you of this meddlesome Chancellor.
I can’t stand the fact that Poland is doing Literally What they wanted - spending a lot of money on defence. Yet, they bark at them.
nothing will ever be good enough for the fascist. the point is not deals, the point is capitulation. there are winners and losers to the fascist. there is no mutual aid or benefit
did elon really say "pipe down pipsqueek" like that worked well for drake? man people with canadian citizenship gotta stop doing that.
I think the ritual to siphon all Canadian aggression into Justin Bieber every year is beginning to fail.
Soary :(
Is this exchange real? Surely this can't be, right?
Musk has completely lost touch when reality at this point and thinks he's god.
Looks like it is real
Why couldn’t it be. I don’t understand at this point how people can read shit like this and go ‘no way he would say that’
There's so many places where strategically important resources have been delegated wholesale to the US. Now, concerning mankind, it's theoretically better, of course, to not overdo it with wasteful redundancies. But, unfortunately, we're not talking about some kind of UN-controlled infrastructure, which is maintained and used internationally. Unfortunately, it's controlled by people like this, and that is now coming home to roost.
I mean with the right President there would be reason to take it under the Defense Production Act or civil forfeiture. But Democrats will surely squeal, "our hands out tied" until the next Republican gets elected.
There are alternatives to starlink though. This guy thinks he owns it all
The shares of the most likely alternative are going through the roof.
More competition will ensure the oligarchs to behave.
I don't trust the EU tech owners, but I recognize that they are at an disadvantage to the US counterpart (and nationalism is a useful tool to sell their product) so they won't be making overt moves to dismantle European democracy.
It’s really really really not up to trust! Imagine if bec of eu oligarchs thousands of folks died because said oligarchs refused to pay for peoples healthcare!
The one remaining guillotine in France would go around!
Pride goeth before the fall, they say. The hellish party is the wait.
Now I do understand why nations started to name their '' air forces '', '' air and space forces ''
Soon, we may see satellites taken down Space at least until was a place of cooperation. Too bad we start to use it as a new field for combat
An alternative sure, but not in the manner. StarLink is already filling up the air space and producing a ton of new space debris. It needs to die with an entirely different alternative.
The alternative is putting up "do you want free training on operating a small bulldozer?" signs everywhere, hiring the humans who show up, and laying down underground cable or telephone poles everywhere. Fuck, just slap a "national defense" reason for why there needs to be internet everywhere for military communications.
Starlink outshines in latency vs undersea cables. Small drones use small radios, bigger drones can use bigger military satellites. Just build out communication to rural areas already. Integrate comm lines into road maintenance crews.
EU could knock them out of the sky.
What is the alternative?
Geostationary needs a lot more power to transmit.
What is the alternative?
Underground fiber. The thing we paid all our telecoms to install back in the 90s, which they promptly didn't do after pocketing all the money.
That's not even the issue with geostationary. The problem is latency to/from satellites in geostationary orbit.
Isn’t OneWeb constellation is debated until Iris2 is available?
But we should reconsider the SpaceX launch contracts.
They’re both targeted towards commercial or government business, which is unfortunate from an individual subscriber perspective. I would love to see a euro competitor to Starlink and Kuiper, so I can unplug my Starlink.
Iris2 looks like a traditional Euro project with a dozen companies from different countries involved, to make sure the funding isn’t concentrated in one country. SpaceX has the advantage of improved integration in comparison.
Not exactly a replacement for Starlink, and it’s not ready yet, but Vodafone just announced buildup of a European direct to device service.
Full disclosure, AST Spacemobile is a US company directly competing with Starlink in this space.
We should consider buying and nationalizing starlink. It's apparently critical for national defense and security, so it would make perfect sense to nationalize it.
In a perfect world, yes. No one in the current administration and no GOP member in congress wants it, hell, the supreme court might even revoque it if suggested because Vladimir Vladimirovich, our dear leader would not allow the orange governor of neorussland to do it.
We should reconsider every thing associated with this psychopath… which is why he would stop at nothing until he owned those who might challenge him. Elon may be the most significant threat the western world faces at this time, and I don’t think the solution will come from inside his captured governments.
Regime is working OT on weekend on dismantling our alliances.
Where IRIS 2 🦧
I am 100% willing to help start a 501(c )(3) with the goal of creating free access to satellite internet