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Favourite Mario Kart game?

My favourite has got be Mario Kart Wii, it's still got a community and I'd say it is the Melee of Mario kart.

Plenty of good tracks, roster and bopping music.

What about you? What is your favourite Mario kart? I know Double Dash has a soft spot in some people's hearts.

  • Gotta be Wii for me for the reasons you suggested. Great atmosphere and level design

    But something about playing long, grinding balloon battles on DS with 7 other people on the school bus will always stick with me

  • Mario Kart DS

    I did play a lot of 64 and Double Dash back in the day but DS is by far my favourite.

  • Mechanically I like 64. I'd like a few more tracks, particularly for the battle mode. The later versions add far too much cruft for my tastes.