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  • Most of the time I know exactly what I'm getting if I see more than maybe 3+ comments. Usually it's me saying something anti-communist, something on brand enough for me.

  • Lmao yeah sometimes. Since I mostly shitpost I just assume that the posts have had the intended effect of either making people laugh or working them up a little about something they care about. Just enough to make them share some stuff they're really passionate about. I like hearing people's unfiltered opinions.

  • Usually there's enough context and it's recent enough I sort of remember. I haven't had a lot of ancient replies here, but Reddit was great for that, and that's exactly what I would think. What the hell are they talking about? What was really surreal was rereading what I wrote and vaguely remembering it, but sometimes the wording being a bit different than what I might say now. Not necessarily the point, just how I said it, as people do change with age. I don't regret anything I've every said though, it's why I've left my Reddit account alone, that plus it would probably be undeleted anyway and I've moved on.

    • Yeah, I was thinking more about seeing the count: my client shows the inbox unread count at the bottom. 4 is not unusual, but when I see over 12, much less 24, my first thought is: "oh, shit. What did I say??"

      Once I open the inbox, it becomes clear pretty quickly, that's true.