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Why are developers so attached to computer gibberish

  • 0.5x Dev.

    These kinds of brainlets fundamentally don't understand computing or why anyone would actually care about how to craft computing. They are the guys (and it is always men) that will write O(n^x) algorithms, in dynamic languages, and complain about needing more/bigger hardware. Before there were LLMS, these were the dudes that would copypasta an error into some chat or forum without actually reading/understanding the error or copypasta code from the first stack overflow answer.

    They aren't interested in computing, only money. These people should not be in our industry. They make everything worse for everyone else. That irritating bug in that SaaS product that your company makes you use? Written by THAT guy. Hell, maybe you even work with THAT guy. Other highly skilled labor all has gates and gatekeepers to minimize the amount of THAT guy. Wanna practice law? Pass that bar exam. Wanna practice medicine. Where is your medical license? Wanna engineer bridges? Also need that license. But software doesn't have that. So we end up with way more THAT guys, just like the mouth breather in this post. They shouldn't be writing software. And nothing exposes these bro coders better than when they express their shitty opinions on how awesome these AI tools are for writing code. It is the literal embodiment of Dunning-Kruger.

  • I used to think the average person wasn't dumb but everything following Trump's 2nd term has changed my mind

    I work with people that use GPT. Their code is garbage save for one (1) guy who actually tests it and makes sure the logic is okay

    This is who the average code gen user is like:

    they're unaware they're writing bad code

    they copy and paste the output without 2nd thought for the approach the code gen took

    they think code gens generate "correct code", even for SQL statements that make heavy business logic assumptions

    anyone telling you to use AI code Gen is either incompetent or extremely naive

    It is not ready for its advertised use and at best it is good at generating boiler plate

    also anyone who tells you programming is going away because of AI has shit for brains

    the people typing stuff in AI (assuming we're in a future where it actually works) won't be your average andy business guy, it's going to be a coder. the role would just be slightly different

    not to mention there are thousands of applications to programming that you do not want code generators to touch such as heavy machinery automation in which a programming error can literally end lives