Here is why drugs are good for you
I saw this when i was sober and I didn't get it. Now I'm high as a kite and understand why he changed colors.
Here is why drugs are good for you
You're such a good influence!
This is so ridiculous. I love it.
Too good
That still leaves the question: where does he link to?
he's a Link to the Past
Back to the past, Samurai Jack
To rule 34 of Zelda
I miss the days when Link was left-handed.
then the spiders crawl all over you and build the web
Um....why did Zelda turn purple. I don't get it.
. . (I'm joking, I know who is Zelda).
Hyperlinks are typically blue and underlined. Until you click/tap them, at which point they turn purple.
As someone that always customizes their hyperlink colors, it took me a moment to remember that the default was blue and purple to get the joke. If it wasn't for the other comments, I might still be confused.
What colors do you prefer?
Bright green for unvisited, and light purple for visited. Everything on dark backgrounds. I love nightmode on every website, way nicer on the eyes.
(user was banned for this post)
My brain went here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/257850/Hyper_Light_Drifter/
This weirdo told me his name and I thought he said "Link", I thought that's a cool name
I just misheard him but he flipped out when he realized my misunderstanding
He went by Shaggy and Steve and a different name every time asked, all arounda shady character, but he'd never thought of calling himself Link
Me: wondering where the sword went and thinking its about link being in rainbow one hit invincible mode.
It is on his back, you can see the hilt through his hat.
frequently visited
It's kinda funny but I needed it explained
Links on websites by default turn purple when clicked