Call Them. Replace Them.
Call Them. Replace Them.
Call Them. Replace Them.
I called my representative and I was polite. "Hello, I just want to say that as a WA state resident, I am very disappointed by my representative licking Donald Trump's boots by voting to censure Al Green. Thank you and goodbye."
Did you have to talk to someone or did you just leave a message?
Somebody answered, I said my piece, then I hung up. I was not interested in having a conversation about it.
WTF who invited Cruella de Vil to Congress?
The rational people of Georgia, of course!
Nah I’m gonna tell them they best start looking for another job.
This post has about as much context as a map drawn by a blindfolded pirate. What is this all about?
It's unclear what the fuck it's about: a shitpost.
Don't know why Lemmy Shitpost is all politics now. It kinda ruins what I came here for.
Well, 10 Democrats voted to censure another Democrat as noted in the image. The underlying context is that Greene was heckling Der Furher when he was having a spell of verbal diarrhea when speaking in the fascist Empire council chamber.
The 10 Democrats that voted with the Republicans to censure congressman Green.
For Americans it has all the context, it's pretty crystal clear
This is a shit post now ?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but censures mean fuckall, right? It's basically saying "you were naughty and I'm doing nothing about it"?
Call all the Republicans, too.
I mean you can, but they’re going to outright ignore you.
Benedict Arnold
He was an American who betrayed the US to the British during the American Revolution.
An American military officer who first served on the side of the revolutionaries during the American revolutionary war. Part way through the war, he defected to the British side and fought against his former allies.
His name has become synonymous with "traitor" in the USA. A bit like Vidkun Quisling in Norway who collaborated with the Nazis after Germany's occupation of Norway in WW2.
Fun bit of additional trivia about him, he was injured, shot in the leg while serving on the American side. After his defection, there is a likely apocryphal tale where he captured some Americans and asked what would happen if the situation were reversed. He was told his leg would get full burial honors and the rest of him would be hanged for treason. Funny enough there is a memorial of a leg at Saratoga for the injury he sustained and his importance at the battles in Saratoga but has nothing mentioning his name or the rest of his body. Which honestly is a level of pettiness to aspire to.
America’s original Judas. Look him up.
Can you fuck off with your shitty third world politics from literally every community?
There is a case to be made for not joining the race to the bottom. But likely these people constituents would be in favor of them voting this way. And in the end, that is who they are supposed to represent.