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SpaceX's latest Starship test flight ends with another explosion.

Nearly two months after an explosion sent flaming debris raining down on the Turks and Caicos, SpaceX launched another mammoth Starship rocket on Thursday, but lost contact minutes into the test flight as the spacecraft came tumbling down and broke apart.

This time, wreckage from the latest explosion was seen streaming from the skies over Florida. It was not immediately known whether the spacecraft's self-destruct system had kicked in to blow it up.

  • Please tell me that the Mar a Lago Turd-O-Lardo golf course now has a mini golf feature.

  • Somebody should convince Musk that they're not exploding and that they figured out a way to go to Mars really fast, but the system won't work unless he pilots.

  • It was not immediately known whether the spacecraft's self-destruct system had kicked in to blow it up.

    There was some kind of gas leak visible from the area with the rocket bells, the engine bay, prior to T+ 8:00.

    Then at about T+ 8:06, multiple engines failed, seemingly explosively, gas leak became much more significant, craft began wildly tumbling out of control, then the video feed lost connection.

    This tumbling out of control occured during the ascent burn... not after it had completed.

    My money is on they simply lost contact with it, it tumbled into the atmosphere and exploded during re-entry, and SpaceX did not have the ability to send the self-destruct signal after the craft began spinning so wildly their live feeds cut out.

    In the video I linked, you can see the on board fuel level readings going all over the place as the thing tumbles wildly... how would it even be possible to confirm an onboard destruct system engaged and worked when you have unreliable telemetry, nor physical evidence?


    //Watching the NASASpaceFlight stream (which is not actually a part of NASA btw), they have part of a feed from actual Space X employees, one of whom states that telemetry to Starship is completely lost at about T+ 10:10.

    No mention whatsoever of an abort or self desctruct system being engaged.//

    ... How does Starship's self-destruct system... even work?