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  • Healthcare, climate, food, democracy, measurement system, no death penalty, houses in concrete

  • If you get cancer, you can have access to chemotherapy for free. And that’s basically it

  • I’m allowed to walk across the street without being arrested for ‘jay walking’.

  • We, here in the UK, for all our faults, have waaaay fewer school shootings.... In fact way fewer shootings altogether (even when multiplied by ~5 for relative population size)

    • To be fair, the UK includes the Scots and they are pretty much in the top 3 of most chill people.

  • A smidgen fewer school shootings, although the reason for that is very ephemeral and incomprehensive.

    • Actually diverse politics (though still dominated by moneyed right wing)
    • Amazon is not the nº 1 online retailer and there exists... some competition between the major ones
    • Significantly less infighting between federal govt and states - phones were recently banned from every school as federal law, no "let states decide" bullshit
    • We don't have to pay to make searches in justice databases
    • We have govt-funded hospitals and healthcare (doesn't always work and there's constant right-wing ill-will to sell it all off)
    • 🏴‍☠️ So long as you don't pirate stuff for profit, nobody will go after you 🏴‍☠️
  • In most urbanized areas, even in suburbs, you can buy daily necessities (food, personal hygiene, medicine, etc) in just a short walk. If in a subdivision, like in a suburb, there would be some houses with an attached corner store. Failing to find what you need there, a convenience store would be a bit further (either still inside the subdivision, or just out the gate).

    If you need to do your groceries, you can use public transport to the market. Even within subdivisions (with some exceptions, like those for the wealthy), there usually would be some form of public transport that could take you to the main highway, and from there, to the market.

    That's just one that immediately came to mind upon reading the prompt. Not sure if there are others, but it's the most striking to me, and one that I've taken for granted until hearing about the US' suburbs.