Roman ruins beneath a modern street in Verona, Italy
Roman ruins beneath a modern street in Verona, Italy
Roman ruins beneath a modern street in Verona, Italy
Lol, obviously fake. How could the Romans build a street underneath another street?! Wake up sheeple!!
Fun story, my family is from Verona. One time I met an Italian at work and told him that I’m probably romantic cause my family is from Romeo & Juliet city.
He said: "Ah, I’ve seen it on TV, huge skyscrapers, helicopters flying everywhere, people shooting gun and talking strangely, the place sucks!"
He was off course joking, talking about the film Romeo + Juliet, with Di Caprio and happening in the very US setting of Verona beach. But I liked the joke.
That's actually super neat, wouldn't mind exploring a place the l like that for a few hours
"a place the I like that"
Forgive me, I had a stroke. But on the bright side I made a full recovery!
I love that about Italy. If you want to see ancient history just go for a walk. Italy preserved so much and it's everywhere.
Are there problems with street collapses in places like this?
It's only a small portion under the streets you see here that is actually dug out. Under all the other streets these kind of ruins are hidden under the soil.
Got it, so it's not a bunch of tunnels and empty space under the streets, then?
thats kinda spooky
Verona is probably the coolest city in all of Italy IMO. There's an old gladiatorial arena there where things like operas are performed.