Maybe One
Maybe One
Maybe One
Here are 5 sources I found almost immediately linking the latest exchange to the impeachment:
It's not the "lead" in the reporting though, media is as complicit in the attention-span blackout we're all experiencing. There are not-bad people in this very post who think this is entirely misinformation because media isn't leading their charge with this context.
Every headline and every major political story is focusing on what Trump is saying and doing, not the historical context of what our national relationships have been like and what Trump's history is.
I know we hate this, but our population is eroded. We have like, fucking microplastics in everyone's brains that are making people not think with words anymore. Everyone is just scrolling and working and slowly boiling to death as the pan heats up. If mainstream news sources actually did their job and showed us what was happening with intentionality and a focus on trying to FORCE people to pay attention, we wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to this mess.
But the media is complicit. They profit from chaos and they LOOOOOVE donny, he is their cash-cow and they will mourn when he finally passes away, or bursts into a cloud of bats or however people like him die.
It's journalist's job to tell you the facts, not to tell you how to think.
If anything is complicit it's the social media algorithms that just blast information and opinions at people to program to think a certain way without making any effort to do some critical thought.
Believing that the media should be telling people to think the way you want them to think is just being part of the problem. If you haven't noticed, that way of doing things results in people constantly having extreme emotions which can easily be manipulated by fascists.
The wholly fucked up thing is that yes I did forget that is why he was impeached the first time. He's committed so many crimes how the fuck could I keep track though?
This is precisely why posting about every little thing Trump does is a problem
Hey now, the SCROTUS said the president shouldn't be held responsible for crimes he commits during his presidency! You should totally forget and ignore those non-crimes he committed 2016-2020!
Great point! MaGa!!!!1
I remember he did this. Couldn't tell you for certain if this was why he was impeached in part because there's so much shit as you say, but mostly because apparently impeachement means absolutely nothing.
That's a good point. If there were consequences for these crimes, they would likely be easier to keep track of...
laws are just excuses for the men with guns. there's plenty of social cohesion and harmony you can have without men with guns, but if you want laws to be actual things, you need to keep up on the men with guns thing. the democratic party will never deploy them against other elites. liberalism, a law based form of social cohesion, will not save you when someone it will not target decides to not obey the laws that were designed to benefit it.
Liberalism will not save you. try something else.
Honestly feel horrible for Zelensky. Imagine having to sit there and be shouted down to by two men so obviously and utterly corrupt that they consider helping your country fight off tyranny to be a favour, as though that isn't what the Western world should be doing by default.
they didn't consider helping ukraine at all when zelensky got to the white house, the die was cast against ukraine on the evening on november 5th when the election results were tabulated. it was done. trump was always going to abandon ukraine to russia, there was nothing zelensky could have said, or done, to change this. they set the whole public plan in motion, first by trump mentioning rare earth minerals, then having the us emissaries hand zelensky a blank check memo at the munich security conference they knew he wouldn't sign without security gurantees they never were going to make, then trump magically reconsidered, and seemingly overnight the deal was back on, to be signed at the white house, where they ambushed zelensky in front of kremlin press, europe, and the whole rest of the world
I'd, in fact, bet it was cast precisely during the event the OP is talking about. This is revenge for that.
as though that isn't what the Western world should be doing by default.
Vaguely gestures at what the West has been doing since WWII. The only thing Trump is doing differently here is that the people he's bullying are white.
Trump is mask off USA
I feel like all the countries aided by USAID would like a word…
I’m very concerned about how many people mistake Trump’s attempts at appeasement as “peace”. People are actually buying that Zelensky “doesn’t want peace”. What can be done to change this narrative to the people who don’t get it?
True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.
— Martin Luther King Jr.
I don't think appeasement is the right word, as that would imply Trump is actually trying to help Ukraine rather than trying to slowly create a narrative to justify abandoning Ukraine to Russia.
The worst part is I would bet Zelensky is keenly aware of what Trump is up to, but knows any attempt to distance from Trump would only make it easier for Trump to justify abandoning his people to the wolves.
They are not men. They act like boys.
The Media is Complicit in Trumps escapades.
Especially with his second term, with how astronomically hard they worked to sanewash everything he said and did. because they'd rather sell out the country and their integrity, than dare risk losing access.
The Lügenpresse are no longer the enemy of the state... They are the tool of the state.
Media during the election:
Kamala said "from" instead of "to" -- does she have what it takes to lead the country?
Next up, how ripping apart trade agreements while pretending to be a truck driver is the what America needs.
Another thing the news won't highlight is trump made all these deals with Canada and Mexico. It's bullshit for him to turn around and start a trade war over them. They are his deals!
I can’t decide if it’s pathological lying or he honestly doesn’t remember anymore.
Dementia or something. Probably wants Mexico and Canada to be states if he can figure out how to deport all the Latinos/as further south.
That’s honestly probably why he isn’t calling for Mexico to be a state. Too many not quite white people.
Remember when the Republicans refused to take the Jan 6 impeachment seriously because he was not going to be in office by the time they completed the investigation, and they said that it would be a matter for the courts, and then the SCOTUS said that Presidents are immune to prosecution and the only recourse is impeachment?
Trump can be impeached again for everything and anything he did between then and now, including while he was out of office. He can be impeached for inciting the Jan 6 terrorist attacks, he can be impeached for his election interference in several states, he can be impeached for sharing state secrets and documents at Mar a Lago with foreign agents, and he can be impeached for just about any of the executive actions he's taken since being reelected.
He should be, but there is a zero percent chance of the republicans holding him accountable for anything at this point.
One thousand plus likes on lemmy. First time I ever see that high of a number. Before upvoting I thought it was part of the image
It’s a fairly regular occurrence if you sort by top day or week. However, it’s definitely at the upper limit of votes.
Maybe you're right, but I don't recall seeing it regularly. I always sort by new though, and when I made the comment this post only had a few hours
Also, remember back in November when all the people that said both sizes are the same? Well, you might not believe it, but even after all the stuff done so far, many of them still actually believe it!
I know, right?
Was just re-reading how Manafort installed Putin's stooge before Zelensky. Trump seemed to have thought that's who he could just call up and get to do his bidding. I'm saying he probably thought he was calling Yanukovych even though Manafort was his own stooge. I mean, that's moronic and all but, it tracks, considering what we know now.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Connecting the dots is too difficult.
Typical bot propaganda
I'm so confused by this tweet. No, I don't remember. When?? He was impeached for denying aid when? Anyone have a source? Tweets are such shitty methods of spreading information. 150 characters are designed for misinformation.
On the off chance that you're not kidding:
that's wild, I definitely missed that. I knew he was impeached twice and did a lot more bs deserving impeachment, and that the second one was for sedition... I guess this one happened so closely to jan 6 that it overshadowed everything else
I feel like it would be like mentioning Monica Lewinski when talking about Bill Clinton - everyone knows, everyone is sick of hearing about it - no matter how relevant it is.
And yet people - some people - still don’t know.
Except Ukraine actually fucking matters