Finally some housing
Finally some housing
Finally some housing
that looks super cozy though (until you have insects, spiders and bugs in there with you)
Bitey, bitey frens 👁️🫦👁️
Probably terrible for your lungs too with all the dirt and dust
Better than the elements 🤷♂️
What? Automated food supply?
Only $2500 in mortgage? There’s plenty of room for everyone.
That's why you get snakes. They keep the bugs away
With egg prices the way they are, we won't even be able to afford second breakfast. 😮💨
Still need to buy the land your hovel is on though
Not if I'm squatting on public land
I'm sure they'll plan some forest fires to get rid of the undesirables from time to time.
Go to the UK and squat for five years in one place -> stonks
In the UK this option is still illegal as you need permission from the council to live on your own land. I guess it's sorta similar to zones in the US? You can only stay on your land for 28 days of the year otherwise. You could probably manage a while before you get found but they can demolish anything you build there and seize the property.
In the US, we do having the concept of “residential” zoning. Though I’m thinking that applies more to the structures being built there. I’m thinking building this kind of thing and living in it might not actually be illegal? Depending on what you are doing with your waste (like piss and shit) they might get you for some kind of health code violation. But barring that I think you might be able to get away with this. (But who would want to?) Maybe someone who knows better than me can weigh in.
In the USA this is illegal too but it is mostly a health thing, eg you can't live somewhere with no place to shit because you'll end up shitting in the river. Not that "health and safety" isn't constantly abused to brutalize the indigent, but it does also kind of make sense to not let people live long term where they can't shit, knowing what we know now about outhouses and groundwater.
That said, local governments in rural areas can barely keep fire departments and schools open. Nobody is checking on your vacant land unless someone complains, and they'd have to drive past fifty other shanties to get to yours.
What about a caravan?
Not necessarily. Just have to be far enough away from everything that people don't care.
That sounds idyllic
Natural area, large garden, nah I'll never be able to afford that!
Afford? You mean steal?
They cannot take back that which I can defend.
Sorry, someone already “owns” that land. Your home is prison now.
You forgot property tax.
Get outta mah swamp!
In the morning, I'm making waffles!
It's like Minecraft in real life
People will eventually evolve into Hobbits due to less need for bigger places to live which are unaffordable.
Would you still love me if I was a mole?
Looks like a real life hobbit hole.
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