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Every living human is now replaced by a clone of you. How would you imagine the world to be like?

The clones retain the same physical attributes and memory as the original 'you' just before the replacement. From the clone's perspective, it would be as if you swapped places with another person with no context of the situation that person was in, except it's with every living person on earth, everyone but you cease to exist and the original 'you' isn't affected in any way.

How would you imagine the world to become after this? How would the society act now that it has become entirely composed of 'you's? How would you and your clones live the rest of your lives in such a world?

  • Nothing will get done.

    Well, not exactly. My clones could probably make a decent guess on what to do, but they'd procrastinate on it and do something else given what's available to them. Before long, everyone starves to death.

  • I will give an honest answer. I think the biggest problem would be the knowledge that humanity ends with US. There is absolutely no future unless we decided to clone the opposite gender or something, but honestly that sounds like too much work. So the next thing that would happen is the inevitable depression that follows as all of modern society grinds to a halt and we all decide that any continued existence is just prolonging our inevitable extinction. I give it about a week before most of my copies have died from giving up, the rest live out their days with little meaning in their lives aside from day to day survival.

  • I'm seriously impaired, so all humans will start dying in a matter of weeks.

    On the plus side, everything in that book The World Without Us will come to pass, and the planet's environment and ecology will be better off.

    • The most common kind of art you'd see is art of peculiar creatures, often ones without any eyes, but with big gaping mouths with lips and teeth
    • Physics is my favourite subject, so I'd imagine there would be a lot more physicists around!
    • Usage of "Eh" at the end of a sentence will be the norm
    • Nobody would be able to play hockey, since I cannot ice skate to save my life
    • I have hyperthymia so the entire world would be having a constant episode of mild mania pretty much LMAO
  • In that specific scenario I imagine we'd all die out fairl quick.

    To begin with we'd all probably have a massive anxiety attack as a result of those events transpiring and gather in small groups all not knowing how to proceed. After the initial panic those groups might try to make a plan to survive but being that I'm not the most organised or conscientious person out there a few days in most if not all of us would say "fuck it, lets go out with a bang" and go crazy on food, booze or whatever we could get our hands on. We'd also probably start fucking each other because we're the only option.

    Then we'd start dying either from misadventure, fighting over resources or just killing each other for the hell of it. I like to consider myself a peaceful and rational individual, but faced with this situation and no legal consequences? Pretty sure anybody would go nuts.

    Once we get that out of our system the remaining few might try to band together to save things again. Even if we were able to come up with a serviceable plan by then it'd be too late. We wouldn't have enough resources to tide us over whilst we get on track as a society, if we even could. Then the final "mes" would die out as well.

  • There was an episode of The Twilight Zone about this it's called The Mind and the Matter. I don't recall that it turned out well