BJJ and the Bear
BJJ and the Bear
BJJ and the Bear
I remember when this reddit post came out, it was as wild as that imaginary bear. Forgive my reminiscence, but I think I made a comment like “dude shut up I wanna see him do it” to someone saying that he shouldn’t, and it got several upvotes. A dozen, even. It was nice
thank god it's only a bear and not a man
Yo, the title is much better than the image. Good job.
Holy cow. Someone got it. You win the internet today. I’m so used to no one getting my jokes, I take it for granted. Thanks.
This is old advice. Today we teach to kick 'em in the nards.
(LOL, you already know what video that is.)
So you're saying approach from the back when out of range?
Which is totally different then a bear and a BBBJ.