Free teim
Free teim
Free teim
Even though I keep my calendar updated I still sometimes accept appointments without checking. In assume this is a problem inherent to the 40+ crowd and these whoopsie! double bookings are not just happening with only me.
Its amazing what keeping a notebook on ya 24/7 can do.
I need to make my 999th attempt at coming up with a productivity system that will work for me. Every time I try something simple it kinda works for a few specific things but then I try to scale things up to other parts of my life, then I lose track of what I used for what and where I written what and things break down. After trying to go back to my previous productivity systems I don't remember shit and basically have to start from 0 again, including relearning organising/productivity techniques. Life with sever ADHD sucks. I really hope that a "perfect" all in one app productivity comes out someday. Preferably with an ai that would retrieve and organise everything for me, that would be dope. lol
And I didn't mean to say that your advice is bad, just a small rant about my ADHD.
At some point I even designed/planned out my own simple productivity app that had just the right features for me and started learning programming and godot in preparations for working on it. Guess how that turned out. xD
I try keep it dead simple a list of "activities" with a circle i can fill in. I aim to do about half the things on the list found the most important part is not giving it a specific order. I then decide if i should move things to the next day that aren't done. If u wanna try it start by limiting it to only a few set simple tasks and always have 1 fun thing per day no matter how small. Then u can gameify what percentage tasks u do before u do the fun thing. Think the most important thing is when u feel its not working dont abandon it just scale it back to 1 task per day hell even "make bed" works as long as u write it down before doing it and fill in the box after. Its like training urself to a dopamine hit.
Ive tried many systems given up on most still occasionally use logseq tho its got a lot of promise with its future development. Have written some code to automate tasks like putting dates in pulling assessment dates off the uni website automatically. Its strangely addictive but its also excellent at distracting you.
Definitely forgetting and/or procrastinating