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Suppose you were a dissident facing political persecution, how would you preserve your personal files so that you can retrieve it many years later, in case of imprisonment?

I'm talking like photos of important moments of your life, and perhaps deceased loved ones or deceased pets. Maybe favorite TV, Movies, Youtube videos, stuff that might be lost when you get released. Let's say like 1-5 terabytes worth of stuff.

Hard Drives at home wouldn't be an option, since they'd get confiscated. If you bury a hard drive in the woods, it could get corroded.

I was thinking foreign cloud, but then you wouldn't be able to keep paying the subscription since they'd probably try to seize your assets.

"Lifetime" cloud plans are kinds shady, I'm not sure if I could trust them.

So... what are the options? (Hypothetically)

And yes, budget is a huge factor. A person facing persecution would not have billions to create a dedicated building to store an archive.

  • In terms of data, put TailsOS on a USB drive, configure persistent storage, download VeraCrypt over TOR, install that, encrypt everything tutorial

    What you do with the drive (or drives if you make copies) really depends. If the climate is very wet and warm where you live then storing them outside is going to need very good protection to keep them relatively cool and dry. You'd also have to find somewhere that you can absolutely guarantee isn't going to get redeveloped or otherwise built on, or conversely, knocked down/demolished for as long as you're away.

    A long term self-storage company might be an idea, or a bank vault, where you've paid for (for example) 10 years in advance. Of course that means you have to be absolutely sure the company won't go bankrupt or be seized by the corrupt regime you're hiding the data from. You'd also have to have someone else set these up in their name or it could be seized along with you. You then have to hope they don't get seized, or get dementia or die.

    If you have comrades abroad in a safer country, maybe physically mail them the drives before the corrupt regime starts noticing you? Then of course you also have to hope they can return them and haven;t forgotten, died etc.

  • Depends on budget and storage options

    That’s not much data

    Listed in order:

    Encrypted nas. For that small amount of data raid 1. A shitty e waste pc would suffice. A ups would be ideal. This is least ideal honestly as it requires power, a maintainer, and isnt truly backup

    SSD of some kind, even a usb stick Enterprise hard drive like wd gold or ironwolf pro Redundant copies, 2-3 ideally, store in various cool dry locations

    LTO tape - far more resilient than hard drives and cost effective per tb but downside is that you need a very expensive ($3-5000) tape drive to utilize them, also very slow to read/write, older/cheaper tape formats (I believe pre lto8?) don’t have the ability to act as an external disk where you can just drag and drop files and are more of a pain to use

    Blu-ray M-DISK. Upside for these are that they are very resilient, can be stored basically anywhere assuming you put them in a sealed container, and will last many many years (probably longer than you’ll be alive). Downside is that storage per disk is very low (100gb), cost per disk is high, and write speed is low. so you will need ~ 50 for 5tb of data, each disk is about $25 (so $1225 though tbf there’s probably bulk pricing) and it would take 37.5 hours to burn them. But this would be the most resilient of all

    Cloud storage - backblaze, tresorit, icedrive, etc

    Hybrid solution - ideal scenario. Load a hard drive or two and lock them away somewhere. If you have access to a Blu-ray burner maybe burn a handful of m-disks of your most critical data (not all 5tb but the most important 1-200gb or so). If you can access a tape drive do that too. Ideally update the tape and hard drives monthly. Update the Blu-ray as needed. local nas and cloud for daily backups

    Obviously encrypt your files. Veracrypt is a good solution in a political dissident situation - can create hidden volumes so that if you are caught you can give up passwords and reveal only the outer volume, keeping the inner volume hidden

  • Context plays a huge factor here. Depends a lot on which country you're being prosecuted, how much effort is people putting in catching you and gathering your evidence, and what kind of resources you can count with.

    Personally, I'm not too tech savvy so I'd take the bury it in the woods option even if you say it can get corroded. There's many things that can happen to it, depending on the weather, environmental policies (cross your fingers they won't be selling the land for development while you're away), and what you can afford to store your drives in. I believe it's possible to protect the cache well enough if you ziplock them carefully and then find a Tupperware container, perhaps put that inside a larger wooden box or a tin to protect against crushing you should be good. Hell you can even cover the Tupperware containers in cement so it would look like you are burying rocks. But, do you have access to these things? Do you have the time?

    Another option is to hide the cache similarly protected in some architectural nook you know of, perhaps at a friend or relative's house- some places have space under houses. Or perhaps you know how to crawl in some wall space or similar. The challenge here is returning to it, because the landlord (your friend) may be gone, dead or else by the time you're out. The property may be bulldozed and sold, who knows.