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Pokémon games have become consistently ugly, and it's alright to wish they weren't

It's been a while since I looked at a main series Pokémon game and thought, "That looks nice." This includes last week's full reveal of Pokémon Legends Z-A, which going from the first bit of footage seems to feature a lot of hazy-edged grey rooftops, futurist UI, and eerily smooth NPCs, and not a lot of consistent, nice-to-look-at art direction to tie it together. This is also a shame. First, because - and I don't think it's too controversial to say this - it's good, generally speaking, when things look nice. Glad we've got that established.

Second, and still pretty obvious but at least a bit more interesting: while they've never been graphical powerhouses, there have absolutely been times when Pokémon games have looked quite wonderful. And there is undoubtedly room for Pokémon games to look even more wonderful. But the series' recent, and quite aggressive moves away from that is both a bummer, and, considering Pokémon's history with artistry - across its spinoff video games, its animations, its strikingly impactful trading card art - a waste.

Saying this out loud among Pokémon fans, however, often leads to some interesting reactions. While even casual observers and non-Pokénerds probably got whiff of controversies like "Dexit", the nickname for the first time it was revealed less than the entirety of the Pokédex would be catchable in a single game, back at the launch of Pokémon Sword and Shield, fewer will be familiar with "tree-gate" of the same era.

  • It's also ok to wish that they run at a consistently smooth framerate. It's one thing to look like crap and it's another to both look like crap and run like it too. I've been playing Palworld on medium for the past couple of weeks and it was pretty jarring going from that to seeing the Legends Z-A footage.

  • I love how they say

    there are moments when Arceus is genuinely pretty

    and then show a screenshot of a game that looks objectively worse than a low-budget movie tie-in from 2007. I mean look at the 1 tile, non-randomized, no noise, no depth, repeating light effect on the water with 0 effort put in to even make it look slightly good. The depth of field and fog looks like it is from pokemon pearl with a gaussian blur put on top of it.

    Super mario sunshine from 2002 looks almost as good at the water looks 10x better lol

    Gamefreak puts literally 1% effort into any of their games...

  • The only one I have found ugly has been Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, I feel like I am playing in a fisher price universe.