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The 2 best Youtube vids re electricity for me

The 2 best Youtube vids re electricity for me –

I graduated electrical engineering in 2015 and I didn’t know the energy flow and the surface charges that Derek explained. Maybe I didn’t listen closely when my electromagnetism mentor taught Poynting vector. But I'm sure no mentor of mine talked re surface charges. These wow me –

  1. In the Poynting vector simulation, the energy flowed outside the wire, not in the wire.
  2. The cross product of the electric and magnetic fields is the key thing. The electrons in the wire don’t carry the energy.
  3. Energy can flow even if we don't have a loop of wire.
  4. The 🔋 is the shepherd. The surface charges are the sheep dogs. The electrons are the 🐑. (The electric field accelerates the electrons.)
  5. Ohm’s law, mesh analysis and nodal analysis are 👍 but don’t cover all the cases. You must use Maxwell’s equations if you want or need a high level of accuracy. I wonder if using quantum electrodynamics is better. Or no since we’re not dealing with a quantum system?

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