A billionaire rises to the occasion
A billionaire rises to the occasion
A billionaire rises to the occasion
So I'm playing Arkham Asylum and, like, the very beginning of the game you open some doors and shut down electrically powered things by just blowing up the connected panel with a batarang, but then later on you need another tool that blows them up via some kind of frequency overload. If I am still just blowing up the box, why can't I hit it with something or even use my actual explosives? Taking the "bat logic" to game mechanics too. lol
In the recent movies, he, or the Wayne foundation, does give a lot of money to charities in the city, and built the monorail system as well.
A fucking monorail is some Musk type bullshit.
except monorails are cool
I mean, it's essentially just the metro... but above ground. Except that above ground location is out of the way of existing ground-layer infrastructure like sidewalks and roads.
In essence, it's just the benefits of a metro line with the added benefit of taking up less space from existing areas that can be used for transport. If you already have roads, sidewalks, and metro lines in an area, a monorail can just be another way to get around on top of all that without sacrificing space.
I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's a cool mode of transit, and can be genuinely useful in some cases.
He doesn't in The Batman (2022). But that's because it's a Bruce Wayne origin story. Batman hasn't created his secret identity yet.
A rich guy dressing up in body armor and going around beating up poor people to fight systemic corruption is the most believable part of the whole Batman franchise. In his original incarnation he had a gun too.
IN ONE OF THE animated series/movies uses it to kill zoom.
It's extremely spot on that instead of doing obvious things that would better the city they just invest in a bunch of industry and tech instead. Very on the nose. Especially the Dark Knight Rises Batman where he had a clean energy program that was the answer to the energy crisis or whatever they were in but he just didn't do it because he thought 'the world wasn't ready'.
'The Batman' is even worse as the Wayne charity, which he should be running, is the center of corruption for Gotham.
The Riddler was justified in trying to get revenge on Bruce Wayne.
It's a Bruce Wayne origin story. Batman hasn't figured out how to be Bruce Wayne yet. The movie is about him realising he needs to do good as Bruce, too.
The Gotham Renewal Fund is managed by city employees. Batman was never told by anyone that he's responsible for it, except the Riddler. And the Riddler was right, and after Batman stops the terrorism, it's implied he starts fixing it.
How is the world not ready? The world was never ready for nuclear weapons, but we got them anyway...
We just need to advance socially as a species faster than climate change, that's all. Easy.
In Batman begins, the issue is corruption.
Everyone knows Falcone is guilty but no one has the legal ability to arrest him.
So Bruce Wayne becomes a vigilante in a more Luigi kind of way in which he is willing to risk things cause he has the tools to do it right.
The whole point of Batman is doing all he can with his resources, even if that means breaking the law.
But yeah, we know today that the most effective thing he can do is not even charity, but pay for lobbying
It's a feature in all superhero media. They don't touch the status quo, or the systems we live in. It's always the fault of a few rotten apples and they're taken care of. Normal people don't need to apply, it's up to a few people with special power to fix it. And in reality, people with money see themselves as more special and empowered than normal people.
Here's a Tumblr post about how different versions of Bruce Wayne (comic books, animated series, etc.) have donated huge sums of money to charities and other improvements to Gotham City.
I like how every response to this is complaining about how he, a fictional billionaire that can't actually change the status quo due to how superhero comics work and their inherent nature as propaganda, isn't doing enough. He runs a rehabilitation program for members of gangs like the Penguin's that are often working for these supervillains out of desperation and then hires them at his companies after, hiring convicts at twice the rate of other companies? Well, he should be paying them more than [undefined number]! Clearly, he's only doing this because it makes him richer than his infinite money already does! AND he hasn't even overthrown the corrupt government and installed his own socialist paradise. Clearly, everything that happens in the comics is all his fault, and he only acts when he deigns to trickle down some money to the poor and huddled masses that he sneers at from his golden throne.
It's like complaining that Superman doesn't just lobotomize Lex Luthor and be done with it since he's just going to keep doing evil things and hurting people. Not only did he do that in that alternate timeline where he became dictator of the world "to permanently stop crime," but they also wouldn't have a story anymore if they just did the Marvel movie thing of killing off the villain at the end of every movie.
It’s like complaining that Superman doesn’t just lobotomize Lex Luthor and be done with it since he’s just going to keep doing evil things and hurting people. Not only did he do that in that alternate timeline where he became dictator of the world “to permanently stop crime,” but they also wouldn’t have a story anymore if they just did the Marvel movie thing of killing off the villain at the end of every movie.
I was with you until this paragraph. I don't know how many people someone needs to be directly responsible for the death of before punching their heart out becomes justified, but I do contend that if instead of condemnation Batman had hugged Superman and apologized for not doing it himself Superman wouldn't have spiraled into conquering the world...
You're thinking about it in-universe. But Batman wasn't revealed to the world through an act of God. His nature, his limitations, his friends and enemies, his entire city were all constructed to enable the fundamental narrative of a billionaire in a suit indulging in violent vigilante power fantasies.
Of course you're right that within that particular framework "giving away all his money" doesn't make narrative sense. That's the frustrating part; not that a character is arguably acting "irrationally" (that happens all the time), but that the stated reasons for their irrationality are convoluted and clearly backtracked from "well without it the story doesn't work".
The end result is that Batman is basically John Wick but depicted as a hero which I've always personally found very gross. This criticism is applicable to most superheroes but the dissonance is especially strong with Batman.
Meh. Only suckers give a shit about the “generosity” of billionaires. Tax them. Tax them down to millionaire status. Why should they dictate what programs get funded? It’s never worked before.. it’s not suddenly going to start now.
I mean, your own tumblr link is proof of that. After all, Gotham’s still a crime ridden shithole, isn’t it? Clearly Bruce Wayne doesn’t know what Gotham actually needs.
better yet, fundamentally remove their power to rise again and build a system where money is not equal to power.
Points for talking about real issues but also this is a pretend fantasy billionaire we're talking about
He should pay his employees more. I don't care if he pays them twice the average for their positions, he is clearly wealthy enough that his businesses can afford it.
In that post he bankrolls many things that should already be subsidized by the state.
Also it's not systematic, it's just within his sphere of interest. If he physically sees you suffering he will make a grand public gesture to end it and buy himself some PR at the same time. This is the conservative mindset. Live two cities over? Tough luck. Anonymous donation? No of course not, Wayne Enterprises needs all the publicity it can get.
He picks and chooses his favorites, like every billionaire out there.
Anonymous donation? No of course not, Wayne Enterprises needs all the publicity it can get
Except lobbying "donations" that's free speech and must done in private away from pedons eyes
I was about to say, I reject OP's argument on it's merits
The main reason super man is better than batman is because superman is working class. There's no ethical way to be a billionaire, even if you inherit it.
Superman was born with power and recognizes that he doesn't deserve it so he tries to use that power to help people whenever he can.
Batman was also born with power but decided that that wasn't enough so he travelled the world acquiring more power and then returned home to use that power to enforce his will while wearing a mask to escape accountability.
Superman is an elite superhero who cosplays as working class
So elite he has trouble paying rent, sometimes.
The point of Superman is that he could BE the most elite being on the planet, but chooses instead to give himself to those who need it most
The second thing he ever did was throw a wife-beater through a wall
Clark fuckin rules
Anarchist Batman is the best Batman.
This conversation is missing the part where he says "all of them"
And then also dresses as a bat
Maybe it's changed over the last decade but not so much. Massive homeless problem, incredible mob presence, and a constantly filled forensic sanitarium.
If he made Gotham a better place he wouldn't be able to punch mentally ill people at night to get his dead parents to love him
In his defense Gotham is quite literally cursed, and not like one cure but multiple on top of each other. That's not even getting into the Court of Owls and the other secret society assholes, or the dark Eldritch gods for that matter.
Frankly speaking the best way to fix Gotham is probably just to dump all the napalm on it and then sink the city. Problem is I imagine that the city has relatively high home ownership with dirt cheap taxes due to the afformentioned issues meaning I doubt anyone will move out.
i want batman who is not billionaire yet still manages to achieve same things through ingenuity and community effort
Absolute batman, not born a bajilionare
Except Batman's saved Gotham and the world a few times. Presumably not being a billionaire would make that much harder. Personally, I think the continued existence of everyone we know and love is worth more than all of Bruce Wayne's wealth.