What does DOGE really mean?
What does DOGE really mean?
Calling best backronym experts. Give it your best shot.
What does DOGE really mean?
Calling best backronym experts. Give it your best shot.
DOGet the fuck out of the US government...
I'm not even American but I feel like the joke fits... Unlike DOGE
Department of Obvious Grift and Extortion perhaps?
Department Of Grifty Edgelords.
Dumb Oligarch Gets Everything
Die Of Gonorrhea, Elon
Department of Oligarchy, Graft, and Edgelords
Department of Government Extermination.
Don’t Oligarchs Get Everything?
Department of Goebbels Employees
Doofus Operating Goverent Entity
Dicks Organising Gorvernment's End
Don't Overexplain, Greed Everywhere
I really like the first one
Donald Openly Gargles Erections
Destroying Our Goverment Entirely 👀
Department of Government Extermination
Best I saw was department of greedy elon
Dickhead Oligarch Getting Enriched
Dicks Out Government Enemies
Dicking Over God’s Exceptionals
Dicking Over Generally Everything
Dicks Out, Get Eating
Dumbass Overlooking Governmental Existence
Delivering Orders from our Greatest Enemy (putin)
Dickish Orangutans Grifting Everyone
Deftly Obfuscating Grotesque Exploitation
Department of Government Enshittification
It's a Shiba Inu.
Department of Gratuitous Elonery
Duplicitous Orange Guy Expires
Move fast and break things (hopefully they follow court orders)