What's your favorite spaceship?
What's your favorite spaceship?
What's your favorite spaceship?
The Rocinante
One of my favourite things on the Roci are the point defense cannon (PDC).
In space they make a little brrrrrt noise
In atmosphere they sound like artillery. BOOM BOOM BOOM. And they act like artillery too, all you can do is try to cover your ears.
Just fun to think how powerful those "little" PDCs need to be.
Definitely the Rocinante!
Should have known I’d already find the Roci here.
This ship inspired me to ask this question :)
Oh that’s a good ship.
I was going to say the Trimaxion Drone Ship from Flight of the Navigator. Seems lame now. lol.
Love seeing Roci up top!
Definitely not the Chetzemoka lol
Although as much as I love the Roci, I might have to go with the Donnager as my real favorite. It's just so damned intimidating.
Seriously? Someone named a spaceship after an old horse?
I'm a huge Expanse fan, but come on. Compared to the Enterprise, the Roci shouldn't even be hauling garbage, it should be taken away as garbage!
Romulan Warbird or the Saturn 5 rocket.
Nice choices.
The Apollo Lunar Lander. The only real space ship we ever built. (I guess we built another one for the next trip now, though, so I'll go with "ever flown")
People can say it's ugly all they want, but, as an engineer, it's exquisitely designed for its purpose. That's true beauty to me.
The Heart of Gold, from The Hitchhikers Guide. Plot armour taken to its most literal extreme.
Yeah, passing though all points of the universe at the same time is so much better than mucking about in hyperspace.
I love the seriousity of a "improbability drive" shame such a banger idea is turned into a stupid joke machine.
Lexx is one of my favourite ships. It was such an oddball show as well.
Given how raunchy and insane that show is, the ship being an enormous dick and balls is so fitting. And I know it's supposed to look like a dragonfly.
Ha! I literally never thought of that until I read your comment. I always hoped in the end that it would grow some giant wings but I moved out to work in another city and didn't have cable so I never saw the end of the show. I guess I could download it and find out.
OP ass bullshit spaceship! It is pretty cool though.
Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath
Killing Time is my all time favourite Culture warship. Especially because Peter Kenny gives it a pissed off London geiser accent.
xROU Killing Time: "Missed, fucker!"
Not sure in what context you're asking this question, but my answer is the International Space Station. I love how it's possible to see it at random sometimes at night, and the way it crosses the sky just looks different compared to a regular airplane flying at night.
Pedantic question! Does the ISS count as a spaceship? I feel like something that travels in an orbit is kind of the equivalent of something stationary on a planet… so it feels like more of a, uh, station, than a ship to me. It’s a good answer, though!
It has boosters. If it can move, it is a spaaaceshiiip!
True but it still has to be a ship!
Does the TARDIS count as a starship? That's kinda cheating though.
Being capable of both time and space travel honestly makes it less implausible than a ship that just goes FTL. The whole "is infinite" thing is pretty speculative even if it's cool, though.
I’m torn between the Defiant and Serenity
Serenity as a reaver ship is hard to beat
While not exactly a space ship, I'd say Thunderbird 2
I can't decide between The Planet Express ship and the space Van from Spaceballs.
What about the one at the very beginning of Spaceballs that went on and on?
The Kestrel Cruiser from FTL. Even though it's not even the coolest ship in the game, The Kestrel is still the most nostalgic for me.
It brings me back to when I first played FTL a decade ago. I was a kid back then and loved the game so much, I even built and painted a cardboard Kestrel model.
When it comes to FTL, The Lanius Cruiser is my favorite, but Kestrel was fun to play too. I remember going back to it several times, after unlocking new ships.
The Red Dwarf :)
It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere...
We're all alone, for all time
The Red Dwarf? Mate, you must be outta your smeggin' mind!
On my Facebook feed there was a Transformer toy in the shape of Starbug called Smegatron.
Gotta go with the Normandy SR-2
And her crew 😢
Keelah se'lai
Battleship Yamoto.
Yamato is pretty nice, very unique and playfully design.
I'd also like to add The Mothership from Homeworld. Also awesome story, and the game had revolutionary gameplay for it's time.
BC-304. The Prometheus was so ugly in comparison.
Shout-out to the basic cable show that was giving us Hollywood-level visual effects effects as early as 2004.
Atlantis gets visual effects Emmy nomination
The Atlantis Effect: An Interview With Mark Breakspear
GW: Visually, which is your favorite episode of Atlantis so far?
MB: “The Eye.” The Rainmaker team created their own CG software to create the stormy water for the ocean. The level of detail and control has never been seen in TV effects before. Dan and Jose at Rainmaker pulled out all the stops and created mind-blowing shots. I think we went about 3.5 times over budget on that one — but you can’t get away with crap. You guys can spot that a mile away, and nothing kills a show quicker than cheap looking effects.
The Prometheus may have been ugly, but it was my favorite because it was Earth's first. It was kinda janky and totally experimental, but it was absolutely a necessary step in our advancement of science enabling better and cooler ships like Daedalus. It was usually outgunned and outsized by everything it went up against, but still managed to leave a mark. It saved the day in the battle of Antarctica enabling the discovery of Atlantis.
Do I think it was a better ship? Of course not, it was totally inferior (and ugly). But it made for a better story. For a good portion of the show it was all we had and it was barely enough, but it became more of a character than a tool. The moment the Prometheus was blasted in half was just as serious as any character death (and not just because of Pendergast). It was a huge blow to us and let the viewers know the Ori were a real threat.
Earth's first
The 302 would like a word 😅
That doesn't count! It didn't work!
It did, for very short periods of time. And from that, we got the epic scene where they opened a window through a ship's shield for a Death Star run shot at Anubis.
Well the 303 worked!
Sure, with a salvage hyperdrive from an Al'kesh. At least until that broke down and they had to upend an entire planet's beliefs to get home. The original hyperdrive had the same problem as the one from the 302. And the working one came from the Asgard.
Idk. I just couldn't get over the captain doing his best James Carrey Kirk impression.
Earth: Give us things!
Asgard: lol no
Earth: Give us things!
Asgard: Give back the things you stole!
Earth: sudo We saved your skinny butts from the Replicators! Give us thing!
Asgard: Okay.
Asgard: Aight imma head out. We'll leave the light on for you.
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Hollywood-level visual effects effects
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Moya, from Farscape
Moya's starburst has always been one of my absolute favourite VFX scenes.
It's just such a visually great kind of hyperdrive!
I am mildly obsessed with the Saturn V. It's just such a feat of engineering and human cooperation.
The Swordfish from Cowboy Bebop. I recently bought a rather expensive model of it. Totally worth it though.
Enterprise refit. Loved the original Enterprise and the Enterprise D when TNG came out, but there was something magical about seeing the refit on the big screen.
This, so majestic
I take one standard Culture GSV and Mind please.
I'm pretty sure the GSVs need three minds to run.
Oh come now, I won't be needing all of the bells and whistles. I'm sure they could come up with something. :)
IIRC it's only the largest GSVs and Rings that need more than one Mind.
A-wing Interceptor from Star Wars.
The one I hope is coming back soon so I can go back to my own planet ;)
Definitely the Soyuz, it's hard to beat the safest and most reliable spacecraft
If we're talking fictional I'd say Serenity, I love what's essentially a tramp steamer in space with little nooks and crannies for less than legitimate cargo
What? No love for the Millennium Falcon?
No need for shields when you have plot armor
It probably has both.
I like my light freighters unmodified.
The Hail Mary currently. Just such a cool ship from a fun book. To think about what would go into building it and what that means to humanity is humbling.
Other notables:
My pick was already mentioned (Rocinante) so for second place I'm gonna mention the Galactica.
BS Galactica was so cool. It was so sad in the last season how beat up it was. Amazing show
Erebus class titan from EVE Online
While I know it's easy to hate on everything MCU these days, I do still absolutely love the Milano from Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2. The design doesn't feel practical at all, but it's still a really fun to look at and agile ship, which is something a lot of sci fi doesn't really depict very well.
The Pat Benatar was also so much fun to look at. It just looks like a ship you would want to make your home, like Serenity.
IMO, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 are the best movies Marvel has ever maked
Ragnarok enters the chat.
The USS Defiant. Coolest ship in Starfleet.
Oldie but a goodie: the Star Fury fighter from Babylon 5.
Imperial star destroyer
Plus it does that really cool spinny thing and blows away a hundred hostile ships who can't hit back for some reason.
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The U.S.S. Enterprise, "NCC-1701, no bloody A, B, C or D!"
But which variant tho, TOS, TMP, JJ, DISCO, SNW??
The TOS Enterprise is a 10/10, the TMP Enterprise is a 9.99/10, the SNW Enterprise is a 9/10 and the JJprise is, uh... big, I guess.
Hard sci-fi: The Rocinante
Floppy sci-f: The A-Wing
The Intrepid class of star ships.
Lakon Diamondback Explorer
Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk III (Specifically MY Cobra Mk III)
Imperial Cutter or the Majestic class Interdictor. Love Gutamaya designs!
Vulture or Type-10 for me. Especially at T-10 with moar spoiler.
I was a Krait Phantom guy. Loved the shit out of it.
I had a friend who had a Krait. Crewing up with myself in a deployed fighter and another friend of ours on the guns back in the Krait was lots of fun.
The Rocinante is an obvious pick.
I also really like the ships in Starfield, mainly because I'm a cassette futurism shill.
I really like the Nostromo from Alien (1979). The Icarus II from Sunshine (2007) is pretty cool, too.
Yay! The Nostromo finally gets a mention. The attention to detail in the ship is amazing and a whole new set of warning symbols were designed for it.
There's a lot of ships I like in sci-fi, but the one that comes to mind at the moment is the garfish-class cruiser in robotech
Or if we're talking about real spacecraft here, I like the soyuz (and really the whole r-7 derived rocket family to be honest), as I like the look of it's side boosters and the four engine bells on each engine
Space Battleship Yamato, original model
Serenity. Just the nicest "home" you can keep flying.
Penny Royal, from Neal Asher's Technician and Dark Intelligence.
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Space Battleship Yamato, original model
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Definitely the Enterprise-E absolutely perfect.
Honourable mention to the Roci though
Indeed, doesn't make me miss the D any less, though.
The Slave I
Sorry I meant: Boba Fett's Ship 🙃
How the fuck could they not even give it a new name?! One of my favorites as well.
I don't have any spaceships. Thanks for reminding me. 😩
We have a number of shuttles
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I'll pick the Bowie from Guardians of the Galaxy.
It's a fast ship that can flown solo, but also comfortably carry six people with their own quarters. It's fast, can cloak itself and defend itself from anything it can't outrun or hide from.
I don't want a big starship that needs a big crew to fly. But, I don't want a small ship that can't carry guests.
Certainly not the Event Horizon 😈
“I’ll take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship!”
"Careful, that's not a load bearing structure!" CRUNCH "It is now."
The Yggdrasill from Hyperion.
The one from The Fountain was kinda similar. It was unique enough to stick with me over the years anyway.
I don't know if Ringworld really counts as a ship but I loved that too. The Out Of Band 2 from A Fire Upon The Deep seemed like it would be pretty baddass. Or the alien ship from Rendezvous with Rama.
The Kiith Somtaaw Archangel-class Dreadnought
Cautiously optimistic.
The Ebon Hawk
Swims Against the Current in a Stream Reflecting the Sun
I always liked the Nostromo's design.
Discovery (2001) and Leonov (2010).
Or, from system shock 2, the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker.
... you know what, they're spaceships, so all of them.
Francisco Franco's PM, Luis Carrero Blanco's car turning him into a Good Fascist™ and Spain's first astronaut