"If everyone had enough, no one would work"
"If everyone had enough, no one would work"
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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Sir_Dr_Mr_Professor on 2023-10-01 07:04:28.
I'm so tired of hearing this mentality in support of artificial scarcity and capitalism. Just because you would be a selfish, lazy ass, that produces nothing for society if you were not forced to, does not mean that is the same for everyone else.
I want to create. I want to spend my days using my creativity and education to design efficient homes, plan urban footprints that would promote community, local business, and agriculture.
But I can't, because I have to get a job working for some corporation and deal with the bureaucracy therein. No matter my aptitude or work ethic my ability is graded by the economic status of my parents and the schooling we couldn't afford.
I can't be my best, most productive self. I can't pull myself up by my bootstraps. The weight of these fucking bills are too damn high and I'm tired.
I don't even want to engage in this workforce. What's the point? More poverty? Work every single damn day trying to survive until the co2 concentration in the atmosphere gets high enough that I'm incapable of the higher brain functioning necessary to even care in the first place?
I want to work. I would work my ass off every single day if it meant I'd be leaving the world even slightly better than it was when I came into it. Why do we listen to these sociopaths?
Just because you wouldn't get up every single day and gladly contributed to the common good does not mean that the rest of us wouldn't if we just had our needs met. For some of us, using our brain is fun. For some of us, tending a garden and relying on a natural aptitude towards patience and inclination for providing for their community, is fun.
Why do all these country bumpkins I work with seem to think they'll make it big someday. Like they're millionaires who've just temporarily misplaced their wealth. No dude, you're in it with the rest of us. We can agree this situation sucks for everyone except the rich, what the fuck is up with the cognitive dissonance then?
sigh I'm tired of this. I want meaning. Genuine meaning. Not the slivers of life I experience in movies and books. I'm tired of gentrification. I'm tired of making more yet having less. I'm tired of ducking in my living room several nights a week due to gunshots in what's considered a "decent part of town". What the hell is happening? What happened to community? To morals? Did we ever even have it to begin with.
I want a life with meaning. I want work that is meaningful...