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  • On the airbed at the new place tonight trying to get the cats acclimatised somewhat before the Truck tomorrow. LittleOne coping much better than TheVoid. The bottom corner under the stairs is his lair now and he is NOT coming out. I feel so mean.

  • I have harvested seeds from the red and yellow manzano chilies ready for next season. I think I'll plant them up in autumn and grow them in a protected area to get a head start.

  • Long long day out in the heat but at least I was out in the hills all day so that was slightly less heinous. Something that really unexpectedly lifted my spirits on the way back was having a ute coming in the other direction flash me a warning about a mobile speed camera ahead (although I already had a warning come up on Waze). Idk why but it was just so heartwarming. Maybe they were being extra nice because I was in a work suv with high viz on. (I know it's a done thing especially outside the city...)

    I also saw an old cream-coloured 60s car (Chevrolet?) with club permit plates... that was a LEFT HAND DRIVE. I thought you needed a sign on the car but evidently not. Props to the young woman driving it who had to look around pretty well to merge and shit

    Time for a nice cold shower and scrub, and then maybe one of those shitty frozen fillets with a bit of raw carrot and celery, and call it a day. Back out west tomorrow ugh.

  • Took the dog down the beach this morning, he's getting on but he absolutely loved it.

  • the final clean out has commenced

    packing starts tomorrow


    • While packing and moving is always a pain, no matter how well practised, think of how good being close to the beach is going to be! Beeeeach!

  • I'm too hot for this shirt
    \ Too hot for a skirt
    \ Too hot to be alert
    \ Too hot to be hurt
    \ Too hot for the desert
    \ Too hot so I'm inert
    \ Too hot to be a flirt
    \ Too hot for that pervert
    \ Too hot so I'll reassert
    \ That I'm too hot for this shirt

  • I have just worked out why I've been having trouble with the connection between my phone and headset. I've got my GPS unit on in the other room and it's trying to make a handsfree connection through that instead. Most of the introductory recorded message got played in another room, if it had been a real person they'd have hung up on me before I got it figured out.

  • Might head into work early so I can sneak out early and go to the beach this arvo if the wind is not too wild. ☀️⛱️

  • Breakfast, merr, merr, merr , get up Seagoon.

    okay Ted, I was having a nightmare anyway