EU offers its own ‘win-win’ minerals deal to Ukraine
EU offers its own ‘win-win’ minerals deal to Ukraine
EU offers its own ‘win-win’ minerals deal to Ukraine
"Twenty-one of the 30 critical materials Europe needs can be provided by Ukraine in a win-win partnership,"
That's pretty awesome. 😎 😎
Trump has made increasingly aggressive overtures toward Ukraine for the rights to its mineral riches, demanding as much as $500 billion in compensation
Mafia methods by USA, which shows that USA has become an unreliable partner!!
“I will not sign what 10 generations of Ukrainians will have to pay back,” Zelenskyy said
And EU should absolutely not allow Ukraine to be pressured into that shitty deal.
heck yeah i can see why this war was always so important now
ukraine was not always just the breadbasket of europe it was gas and minerals and strategic position for a generation too
brexit might have happened but oh boy there seems to be something bringing us together
This war is not important to Ukraine or EU because of minerals, it's important because EU can't accept Russia encroaching on Europe again, and for Ukraine it's obviously important because they don't want to be controlled by Russia. When they can have autonomy and democracy with Europe.
Europe has at no point made any claims on Ukrainian natural ressources, but Russia is obviously interested in it, and now USA is trying to basically steal it.
The EU offer is probably mostly to help Ukraine not being exploited by USA, and make it easier for Ukraine to say no to USA.
These resources are nice to have, but they are NOT rare earth minerals like Trump claims.