Seen in London (apparently)
Seen in London (apparently)
Seen in London (apparently)
Put musk in the title so people with filters don't have to be reminded.
I think a cybertruck would have been more appropriate. A lot of people bought a model X before we knew he was a nazi. Granted the X is still a bad car imo.
But other Tesla models are still selling much better than the Nazitruck. If we want to make a point and make a dent in Musk's profits as he strips our country for scrap metal and fires everyone, we need to discourage people from associating with anything that gives the bastard more money/power.
Cybertrucks aren't sold in the uk
Oh good point
I agree in the case of vandalism. In the case of discouraging purchases, no. Target the more popular vehicles.
I disagree. They all need to be sold, and their value needs to plummet. This is the way the people can speak against this man.
These are insanely expensive cars. Nobody who has one can't sell it and get a literal new car with the money, or a fantastic used car.
I really hope this is a real ad. Oh if only all ads were shitting on billionares instead of kissing their asses.
I teach in a college. I think I will print a few copy and tonight and pin it on the walls.
Genuinely well done as a piece of subversive advertisement. One of those things you look at and go "I wish I thought of that".
Fuck Elon Musk, and Fuck Tesla, been saying this for years now. Also, Volkswagen Mercedes & BMW used Jewish slave labor in Auschwitz and other death camps to make their automobile and airplane parts, and shouldn't even exist anymore, but they do.
History, example, so much fun huh, too bad nothings learned. Everyone's so anti Nazi these days, so few are pro Jews to the point of needing to exclude Jews from the entire conversation. As a Jew, It's been a pretty incredible thing to watch happen realtime.
I realize who he really was first back in 2018, when he randomly call a member of a rescue team pedo because they didn't want his help. Only got worse since.
I knew he was an idiot and a douchebag. I didn't expect him to go full-on fascist.
You mean a thin skinned narcissist? Yeah, but there are lots of thin skinned narcissists who aren't also Nazis.
At the time I thought Musk had inside knowledge.
No, he's just a massive dick.
Yeah, nobody cares that you're jewish. I swear Jews and Catholics are the Arch users of the religious world.
Sorry mate but only a Racist is pro (or against) an ethnicity, any ethnicity.
Further, if people being against "those who would harms others" is not enough and one wants that they're specifically pro the ethnicity one belongs to, then that person is a Racist since they're explicitly demanding differentiated treatment based solely on their race.
Humanist is being for good people and against bad people. The specific race of the aggressors is irrelevant as is the specitic race of the victims.
It's pretty incredibly to, in the face of people actually turning against the baddies, watch some people who themselves are not in any way form or shape victims of these baddies, whine about how there's no different and superior treatment for people of their ethnicity compared to people from other ethnicities.
As a Jew, It's been a pretty incredible thing to watch happen realtime.
No one's excluding you from the conversation. How can they the only way they would know if you were Jewish is if you told them, which you most definitely did. I can't help it if you will have some kind of oppression fetish but no one's thought about the Jewish population as a distinct group in about 40 years.
Being pro Jew is different to being anti Nazi. Jews are just one of a multitude of peoples who can be targeted as out groups for fascists. A perfect example is what's happening in Israel. A genocide, perpetrated by Jews. It doesn't matter who the targeted group is. What matters is nobody should be ganged up on in the way that Jews were by the Nazis. Not Arabs, not Muslims, not Christians. Not men not women not trans. Not blacks, not the left nor the right. Nobody should be treated like that. Ever. Again. So, so many Jews had to die senselessly to teach us that lesson. Best we learn it right.
You don't have to target Jews to be a nazi.
At least VW is kinda open about it, and as far as I know, they even built a memorial…
I mean, the least thing as a company you can do now, is to be open about everything and make an effort that this shit never happens again!
New Teslas will have a traditional gearshifter.
Fucking douche panzers
Funny thing, cybertrucks are not even road legal in UK. I read some time ago they impounded one.
doesn't that look like ai? seems like bleeding of the bottom of the busstop roof or is that dirt?
but generally i do support the message, muskrat should be sent to mars, without anything. just out of a massive cannon
At the bottom of the bus stop is rain going down a dirty surface. Given it's in London, I'd be surprised if that wasn't there.
It really doesn't look like ai. Look at the background and the reflections on the ceiling. Those all make way too much sense for this to be ai. I'll say it's possible that this is edited. Someone could have swapped out a different bus stop ad.
That's just how our bus stops look here.
Definitely sketchy. Why is the paint melting off?
That's piss m8
I can see you don't live in a big city. It would be infinitely more suspicious if the image was pristine.
I don't see any paint melting off. It's grime on the red part itself, zoom in and have a look.
Where do people that complain about not having enough money for everything all the time get the money to do this kind of stuff?
Seriously what gives?
Are only billionaires allowed to do propaganda?
Have you considered that the people who put up this ad may not be the same people that have no money?
What about disliking textbook fascism and blatant corruption is tripping you up here?
Yeah, you’re right. People should do nothing when they’re struggling. And struggling makes their opinions invalid.
Where do people with a billion dollars find the time to complain about their taxes being raised? Shouldn’t they be working?
Why do you assume everyone on this site is exactly the same? Is it that hard to grasp that there's a spectrum of people who are at different stages in their lives with different amounts of money?
Also, how much do you think this cost? A bus billboard goes for what, $300-500 a month? Is it that crazy to imagine there are people here that don't have that much free money?
Brandalism's Subvertising manual [PDF]
Do you seriously think this "ad" would be approved by the company selling ad spaces?
You defended Musk's sieg heil by posting a bunch of images of people waving didn't you?