Kash Patel's remarks after being sworn in as Director of the FBI
Kash Patel's remarks after being sworn in as Director of the FBI
Kash Patel's remarks after being sworn in as Director of the FBI
Never heard of him. He must be very, very good at kissing rings and not have a spine at all.
Oh there’s plenty of reason for concern, but this should give you an idea of his ass kissing ability.
Laura Vincent can illustrate for shit.
There are two sequels to that book: one about the 2020 election and one about the 2024 election.
I don't think there are any more adults in the room
EDIT: I think Kash Patel is actually a cabbage patch doll that was given life through some sort of sinister ritual in an ancient burial ground or something
All of the comments on the video being overwhelmingly positive and celebratory isn't suspicious at all, nuh-uh! 🤦😬
Holy shit, those comments are ridiculous.
It sure is, pal.
Out of the mouths of babes…