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  • The question is, who decides what shitty guide is. You? Let people write what they want, you don't have to use or read it. Also why not tell those you write shitty guides and tell them what is shitty, so they can improve. Instead trash talk on an unrelated forum??

    • If you don't have necessary experience and are pretending to be an expert sharing your 'knowledge' on the web... You should stop.

      • That does not answer my question. Who is judging what is bad and shitty guides, and who has the necessary experience? I disagree with you. Let people write articles that YOU think are shitty. Beginners or professional grade knowledge, I am for the open web where noobs share their knowledge as well. Assuming they are written by a human, not talking about Ai.

        Do you have any article as an example what you consider shitty and you do not allow to be posted on the free web?

  • Tutorials are largely pretty shit:

    Sad thing is, you only realise once you learn a fair bit. All these "lifestyle" programmers I used to follow that were literally making out they were the next Carmack, just re-wording Wikipedia or the intro docs. From someone who is only a couple of years into their job as a React copy and paste engineer. Now if I see an intro where they're making coffee and lofi is playing I click off, give me a 420p video with a distorted mic and constant electrical humming.

    Then you have the Udemy courses where you can just chuck in the recent patch notes and say the course is updated to 2025 even though you're referencing dead tech in the tutorial then an hour later up pops a PowerPoint please disregard the section about API's for dot matrix printers.

    • All these code gurus with code quality of chatgpt 🤢 yet fancy lighting setups and VFX intros. Still, sometimes you can find a real gem in the wild on some humble but informative website.

  • I just wrote a blog post and it was shit but at least I know what to do better next time.

  • I avoid things from and Medium like the plague, unless I can't find anything, anywhere else. However, something that's shitty for you might not be shitty to someone else.

    It will just get worse with all the AI slop. Read the docs first, always.