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My Forever Valentine.

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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Jdub81191 on 2025-02-20 12:43:30+00:00.

[Original Post]

It has been a few days since my last post. My life is in shambles. My world as I know it has come crashing down before me. The woman who raised me, the woman who “loved” me my whole life has just tried to kill my wife. After asking my mother for help while my wife was dying on the floor I began CPR. I was going to do whatever I needed to in order to keep my wife alive. I dialed 911 and left it on speaker while I attempted to save my wife. While this all was happening my mother simply walked over to the couch and sat there with smirk on her face. As if she was proud of what she had done.

“She deserved it. She tried to steal you from me. You are MY flesh and blood. You are supposed to always take care of me. I COME FIRST! Your father, he never understood that either. Once you left home I felt empty and he did nothing to help. He complained about how I was obsessed with you and you needed to live your own life. I had enough. He seemed to no longer care so why should I. I never felt the motherly bond with your brother. I did what I had to, to preserve what we have.”

Brother? Did she have something to do with my father’s death? I had so many questions but none of that was my concern in this moment.

 Both EMS and the police showed up a few minutes after the 911 call was placed. 

“She fucking poisoned her! Whatever was in those cookies is killing her!” I yelled as the EMT and police entered. 

In the chaos of it all my mother was placed under arrest and I accompanied my wife to the hospital. It was just a few minutes away. Once we arrived my wife was rushed into the emergency room and as the Doctors and nurses began working on her I can only sit there in disbelief. My mother had done this. Why? What was she rambling about while I was trying to save my wife? I had no brother, I was an only child. And yes while my father didn’t care for Valentine’s Day and was unsure how to express his love properly, that doesn’t mean he didn’t love or care about my mother. 

My wife had begun to make a recovery. All I wanted to do was sit by her side and help her through all of this. I know the very last thing she wanted to talk about was the person who did this to her. I could not get it off my mind for the few days we had been in the hospital. The amazing woman that she is, my wife looked at me concerned?

“Tell me what’s wrong?” She said as she laid in her hospital bed.

“Do not worry about me, we have to make sure you are okay.”

“I am alive, you saved me. I don’t know what happened after I collapsed but I know something happened between you and that bitch.”

I began to sob. “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this. I didn’t know she was some sort of monster.”

“How could you know? She is your mother.”

“She must’ve killed my father.” I blurted out.


“She said when I left home he wasn’t there for her and that she didn’t care any more because he didn’t. She didn’t flat out say she killed him but I know something isn’t right.”

“Well you have to tell the police, you have to find out what happened.”

“I don’t give a shit about that right now, I care about you. I’m so sorry this happened to us.”

“I love you, I am okay.”

After everything that happened, all my wife cared about was me. I almost lost her. This monster almost took her from me. I needed answers. I had to find out if she had something to do with my father’s death. I had to find out what “brother” she was talking about. My wife had been through enough. I didn’t mention anything about this brother my mother mentioned. She didn’t need to carry the weight of yet another massive bombshell that was placed upon me by my mother. 

My mind was racing. My wife was alive. My mother in jail. I have so many questions. Had she always been this way? Did something happen to cause this? Why me? I was a good man, a good son, a good husband. My wife, she didn’t deserve any of this. She is suffering because of this woman. 

About a week has passed. My wife has made a full recovery. Tomorrow we would be discharged from the hospital. My wife was getting some well deserved rest. I was also drifting off to sleep when my phone rang. 

Unknown caller. I answered.

“You are getting a pre paid call from…”


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