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  • Even though I haven't been following the case, I'm quite surprised.

    I wonder if Netflix will hire him to do an alternate ending for House Of Cards now that he's been found not guilty.

  • But nobody waited for the verdict, they canceled him to the end of the galaxy and the internet told me he was guilty. Would an "Oops, sorry" be enough until the next stampede?

    • While he wasn't found guilty for these specific accusations, they were not the worst ones, and proving these cases from decades ago is pretty much impossible.

      Court outcomes never clear someone of accusations that were not included in the court case and generally favor the defense. Spacey has so many accusers over such a long time period that the odds of him attracting that many false accusations is zero. There was both no reason to wait and no reason to think that being found not guilty is a free pass.

      Is Cosby redeemed because a judge through out his conviction?

      • Is Cosby redeemed because a judge through out his conviction?

        This asks a question that I think is valid, but is fraught with emotion and history. Should it not mean that Cosby is redeemed if the charges are thrown out? It is extremely difficult to prove cases from decades ago, but does that mean that someone should face social consequences for charges that haven't been proven in a court of law? Statistics say that most sexual assaults go unreported. Which is why there is a good and understandable push to believe people who report. But experiencing consequences based only on those reports also doesn't seem to be the best.

      • While I admit that I don't know the intricacies of Spacey's case and all of his accusers, yes, if we can't 100% be sure that he is guilty, I would abstain from canceling just because it's trendy now. I know, rage baiting is the most effective tool these days.

        There are monsters out there that take advantage of people in lower positions but there are also people that are innocent but because somebody is either jealous or wants to cause havoc, they get "canceled" for life.

        I guess I am more cynical when it comes to things like this because I know a case(good friend) where a guy's life was practically destroyed by a vengeful ex-girlfriend/co-worker.