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  • In a sense it is done. That sense is being a beacon of progress. All presidents before Trump understood the relationship America had with the world as being a world power. While there always was a conservative voice in America, conservative presidents were always able to mask self interest under the flag of progress, bringing democracy, peace and free markets. Now ultraconservative fascist are no longer masking, Trump and Musk are literally not smart enough to understand. The USA played a very important role in the world order and the current administration is basically giving that up.

    Trump and Musk, because they really aren't smart (i can't stress this enough, they lack the mental capacity), are not considering the value of that role, the services the US provides. They only think about the value of things and of money. More rockets, tarifs on goods, expenditure... And see these as things along which progress is measured.

    While that does, to a small extent, captures progress. It forgets the foundations of progress, peace, education, financial security, social cohesion, to name a few. Sorry, i say forget... But really what i should be saying is dismantling. They are also clueless about the value of services and the service economy. Which is, or has become, another measure of progress.

    Anyway the point is, the US can't maintain their position in the world order. They can't maintain a government that understands their responsibility in that order. They abandoned their classic role without providing the world with a new/better one.

    The US has been degraded to a trade partner.

  • We been screwed for decades; all the minor plot threads, foreshadowing, and chekhov's implements are all just coalescing at the same time for one last grand finale.

  • My brother sent this to me the other day and I gave it a watch. It feels pretty unbiased (although I'm uneducated), and seems to have a more macro, zoomed-out view of America and just nations on the whole. I thought it was pretty interesting and it helped to put some things in perspective.

  • No, I don't think so. Large portions of government like the CDC, USAID, FEMA and the IRS will take 20 years to rebuild, but the dialed in states like the West Coast will probably be largely fine. It's just such an unnecessary waste of time, resources, and human lives.

    Apparently some of us don't remember our values unless they get their mouth curbstomped every 70 years and remember some serious pain and suffering. Then the majority of people start voting for people that weren't dropped as babies and we will go back to a democracy again. Fuckin idiots.

    In the meantime, enjoy the unencumbered spread of diseases like measles and HIV, preventable economic meltdowns from disassembling shit like the Fed, SEC and IRS and infrastructure stagnation due to gutting tax infrastructure and the firing of educated and experienced public workers that keep out road, bridges and internet working to say nothing of shit like sewers, water, power, rail, aviation, etc.

    And just think, all of this rebuilding could have been prevented with one single vote for a normal candidate. We could have had 20 years of relative progress under our belt instead. 😊

  • Yes.

    History shows us the most likely outcome of this - and IF for some reason we're able to survive and get the best case scenario (i.e. somehow he pisses off the base enough that McConnell/stock neo-con flavored Rs start jumping ship to re-assert the R party as a non-orange cult... not because of a moral compass mind you... but b/c they become worried that doing nothing to stop him will result in their insane rabid base replacing them during R primaries over the next 2 years) - the amount of lasting damage is going to ripple for a while. Also primaries for Rs who support unpopular figures assumes ballots will be "free and fair" hashtag TM etc...

    ...And that's the best-case "realistic" scenario at this point.

    Sadly, even a fantastical more cathartic sequence of events involving ropes and upside down would likely result in power vacuums and chaos and would not guarantee that "good" would take the reins of power.

    Assuming he decides to follow through with his recent expansions of power unimpeded, there will be no remaining mechanisms to bring about a good outcome over the next few years... and I'm afraid many folks are going to find out that holding up signs with quips and jeers in designated areas is not going to do much to stop those who have no shame in outright dispatching their enemies - in the same way your grandparents didn't "hold up signs" to stop the top-shelf authoritarians roughly 80 years ago.