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Observing American politics feels really strange at the moment

As an outsider (I live in Belgium) it feels very weird and dystopian to see everything happening in American politics with Trump and Musk.

On one side, it's very interesting and almost entertaining; on the other side, it's scary. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in the USA.

Americans, how do you cope? What's your take on the situation?

  • Americans, how do you cope? What’s your take on the situation?

    Trying not to think about it. It very well may lead to my death, but so does every avenue radical enough to avert it by my personal intervention.

    I think the hardest part considering it is how okay people are with everything that's going on. Despite the high levels of copium from liberals and leftists about how there's TOTALLY a grassroots movement ready to rise up, the fact is... there isn't. The protests are smaller this time 'round than they were last time. Public opinion is more in favor of Trump than it was at the start of his last administration.

    Many of us noted that this country isn't as left as many of the "Trump will make the moderates SEE that fascism is BAD!" types wanted to believe it was. We were ignored.

    People live in a bubble, where what they want to believe is true, and goddamn reality.

    Anyway. I'm fucked, and just trying to stay alive until I can't avoid dusting off my old suicide plans.