I somehow did that. It was a long time ago...
I somehow did that. It was a long time ago...
I somehow did that. It was a long time ago...
Do it all the time. It mostly doesn't mean anything since dreams stretch the definition of continuity and picking up where you left off doesn't mean it'll continue in any sensible way.
Ha, i do that
"Look at this. You beat cancer and you went back to work at the carpet store? Boo..."
Now how to get an amazing device out of my dream that I dreamed of as a kid? I was so extremely happy, had a fantastic day, then I woke up…🥹🥲…
I always try to take pictures in my dreams but i always fail to take a picture.
One of the weirdest nights I ever had, I had been feeling sick and had a mild fever... perhaps moderate, like 100.5-101. I came home from work and needed to stay up so I could drive somewhere to pick up some weed. I decided to do a small amount of acid because I did it all the time and figured it would help me stay awake. So we went, got the weed, that was fine. When we got home, I walked outside in shorts and a shirt and started shivering like mad, though it wasn't really cold. I couldn't stop shivering so I got in bed, bundled up and eventually went to sleep. I had this crazy dream about being in the Mexican restaurant I worked at, and everyone was floating in the air, sort of stuck in the ceiling, with metal pipes wrapped around them, but kind of jiggling around and orbiting. My perspective was up in the air by the ceiling in the entryway where I worked as a cashier and busser. I woke up to pee and was "uh, that was strange...", went back to sleep... same dream. I woke up 2-3 more times and went back to sleep and had the same dream each time. Nothing ever happened, just everyone floating near the ceiling and sort of moving back and forth.
Being sick, taking LSD, and driving to buy weed for later... how did you reach adulthood? The fever alone would alter your dreams.
For clarification, I wasn't the one who drove the car.
This really sounds like an alien abduction.
Can you dream about sleeping? 🤔
I definitely had dreams within dreams within dreams.
Yes, I finally slept! O, it was a dream…
I used to dream I woke up, showered, dressed, and preparing to go out to uni, only to wake up and realizing I was already late. I've also dreamed that I'm going to bed, but that seems to have little narrative purpose, so it has only happened a few times in my life.
I get a variation on this frequently. I'll dream I was sleeping and woke up and was late for something, then I'll wake up for real, heart racing, ready to scramble my way out of the house, only to realize it's 4:30 AM or some shit. At that point I'm just up, there's no recovering from that.
I've dreamt of waking up and going back to sleep multiple times in one dream. On the end of it i didn't know if i was awake of asleep.
Yes. It sucks since dream you doesn't have a biological mechanism to go to sleep so you just... toss and turn in bed being unable to fall asleep. While sleeping. It's very confusing. Or! You keep falling asleep everywhere in the dream, but don't get any rest.
Love it when I "wake up from a nightmare" while still in the nightmare. Good job brain, thanks for that.
Had a dream once where I woke up, washed my face, had my breakfast and was getting ready to go to uni. Then I woke up and had to repeat everything.
And THEN I woke up.
Yeah it's called salvia divinorum.
I try, but I usually spend 5 minutes waiting out the sleep paralysis before I'm shocked fully awake.
Yes, I had two of these weird dreams or more like nightmares when I wake up, realize that I'm still in a dream, wake myself up, still in a dream do it again, again and again, and after a long time, I finally wake up in real life. It was a nightmare because it was so boring and because it gave the feeling that I couldn't escape my dream.
I've had a few sequel dreams. All were while I was a kid. It's an interesting feeling for sure.
Never had sequels but I was able to repeat the same dream years apart, it would happen every time I binge watched a zombie apocalypse show
Had a dream recently where I was having a great time in a fantasy world tavern (guess it's time for me to stop watching so many isekai shows) and decided to sleep on the floor in that same tavern. Woke up in reality, but I really wanted to go back to that story, so I was "telepatically" communicating to a "buddy" in the tavern to wake me up, and each time he would do that I'd see a flash and still find myself in the real world. Was pretty disappointed after a bunch of attempts to "go back".
It always seems different when you come back. Like what happened before was a movie, or in a museum, or was itself the dream of the new dream
Lesser known perks of being a CIA agent
I suppose memes about dreams must always have plenty of comments. People (myself included) just love talking about their dreams!