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Dual Zorens discussion thread!

Pretty neat toy for all movement enjoyers.

Seem to be good with bullet jumping for rapid change in direction.

Nezha has an interesting bug where coptering right before you touch the ground preserves his low slide friction property, letting him skate along extremely quickly. You need to hold the crouch input, but he'll retain his upright run animation despite having low slide friction.

I managed to trigger coptering to inherit Zephyr's Tail Wind once, but never again. Not a bad tool for her though, and an okay blast implement for Funnel Clouds memes.

Generic tech where full-body casts retain the copter speed boost, so cancelling the copter into a cast lets you continue moving forward at speed while you cast. Great fun with Rhino Charge cancel and Blending Talons cancel.

With a high enough attack speed, coptering can be strung into an aerial heavy slam. Great for double Nira builds wanting to do something a bit different from punching the ground or hitting it with the Magistar incarnon.

What have people found? They're certainly unique, and I love getting new mobility tools.

  • Wish i could reset it with a wall run and role play a pingpong ball on lua tilesets

  • So far, the best use for the perk that I've found is being able to change directions in the air after using an animation cancel to launch yourself. A Volt or Wisp in the team can make pulling off the animation cancel a lot harder.