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What is your profession?

My profession is in programming. Initially, my dad tried to teach me Javascript. It was a struggle and couldn't get it.

A few years later, I took up computer science in college and that's where it all clicked: I can imagine the end result. It's a matter of being curious and finding (or I daresay... hacking) my way to that conclusion. Programming languages have a very funny way of allowing you to do just that. In studying computer science, I discovered the art of engineering all kinds of software-based solutions.

Because my way of solving problems is more deductive than inductive, I have to consciously build foundational knowledge and routines. Constant learning and insatiable curiosity is required for me to identify when my hunches are wrong and discard them accordingly.

  • I always enter “exotic dancer” when a form requires me to for some bullshit reason.

  • Central heating and ventilation technician, that was my first one, it was awesome, learned welding and stuu like that. But during the winter I couldn't do it, every time so freaking cold.

    Then I was a Rubber mixer for the aufomobile industry, which destroyed my sense of smell to a high degree so I switched again.

    Next was frontend developer, then iPhona app developer and then finally I also studied computer science.

    After that I I went back to the automobile industry, but with the CS background I'm in software development now. My profession is very broad. I'm Integrator, Software Factory Subject Matter Expert (basically architecture around devops), Configuration Manager. Not programming at all anymore.

  • I'm a lifelong cook. Been working in kitchens since I was 15 and I'm currently training to be the sous chef at my current location.

    People shit on food service workers but the amount of practical real life skills I've acquired over the years has actually come in handy quite a few times.

    • but the amount of practical real life skills I’ve acquired over the years

      Are there any particularly unexpected ones?

      • There's a couple for me.

        Prioritization of tasks. The flaming pot is more important than the smoking oven.

        The ability to move through a dense group of people without disrupting anyone.

        Sense of urgency. You need to move with intention and do it quickly.

        Injury assessment. You're not going home because you got 1st degree burns. Grit your teeth and push through. If you cut yourself it's a different story but unless your skin is sloughing off your fine.

  • IT Project and Team lead.

    Protecting "my" engineers from the customers. :)

  • I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I'm a nobody, who likes to have fun. I'm easily distracted and lose focus a ton.

    I am an amateur scientist, a cook, an author of unwritten books, I can't solve your problems but I'll still take a look.

    I've been a toy soldier, a quick thinker, a recycling inventer and a useless tinker, who was once known as a legendary drinker.

    I'm naturally shy but occasionally I'm bolder and i see beauty beyond the eye of the beholder as a student or mentor to both younger and older.

    A person "who" cares, doesn't matter about "what", "when" I'm needed, "where" ever that may be, and sometimes "why". z.

    I've walked a mile in your shoes and I ran so far away just to be the man who walked a 1000 miles to fall down at your door.

    I never give up, never surrender, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around, bright eyes, every now and then i fall apart.

    A party of one, a party of five, a party of me, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive. As long as I know how to love I know I'll be alive, I will survive.

    I want it all or maybe just a little bit off more than I can chew on that it's a piece of cake and eat it too rich for my blood is thicker than water you talking about?

    Chances are, the odds are even, shirts versus skins. don't stop believin' that as far as I'm concerned, everybody wins or was kung fu fighting, thunderbolts and lightning, please.

    Online I go by Lattrommi, the first and foremost, last but not least, mostly a man, still part beast, from the state of ohio in the united states of north america on this planet earth within the sol system somewhere along an arm of the milky way galaxy.

    If you read all this, I hope you have a nice day.

  • I'm a professional slut.... for data.

    • LOL I mean I can probably say the same thing and I gotta tell you. It's amazing the people out there that want to:

      1. Control the narrative of the data
      2. Suppress the data

      I'll use just a simple example of tracking incidents in your organization. It's so polarizing like people how do you expect to improve if you can't acknowledge your faults?

      Extrapolate that to the current political climate.

      • Do you work at my company?! Holy shit that's spot on.

      • It’s so polarizing like people how do you expect to improve if you can’t acknowledge your faults?

        The scale of this problem is mind-boggling:

        ::: spoiler spoiler for those who don't want to skim an article on a US military war game Long story short, the US Armed Forces performed a practice war simulation, "costing US$250 million (equivalent to about $423M in 2023), the most expensive war game in US military history". The two teams were "Blue" (totally-not the US) and the "Red" team (totally-not Iran or Iraq). The retired Lieutenant General of the Red team made the reasonable choice to adopt old-school low-tech tactics to avoid the Blue team's sophisticated electronic surveillance network, as well as other asymmetric tactics like those used by real armies who have defended against US invasions. Red team won in one day. There were apparently a range of technical problems in the simulation which made it harder for Blue, so they re-tried with conditions to make use of the remaining thirteen days. However:

        After the war game was restarted, its participants were forced to follow a script drafted to ensure a Blue Force victory. Among other rules imposed by this script, Red Force was ordered to turn on their anti-aircraft radar in order for them to be destroyed, and during a combined parachute assault by the 82nd Airborne Division and Marines air assaulting on the then new and still controversial CV-22, Van Riper's forces were ordered not to shoot down any of the approaching aircraft. Van Riper also claimed that exercise officials denied him the opportunity to use his own tactics and ideas against Blue Force, and that they also ordered Red Force not to use certain weapons systems against Blue Force and even ordered the location of Red Force units to be revealed. The postmortem JFCOM report on MC02 would say "As the exercise progressed, the [Opposing Force] free-play was eventually constrained to the point where the end state was scripted. This scripting ensured a blue team operational victory and established conditions in the exercise for transition operations." :::

  • Environmental Scientist. As my username suggests, my passion is studying bivalves. My day job involves studying nutrient cycling in San Francisco Bay (where clams come up quite a bit)! Through my work, I have also grown fascinated by phytoplankton

  • I'm a Technical IT Consultant, consulting for a large cloud IT platform company.

    On the client side, I take on new implementation projects, setups + configurations, maintenance, and help desk tasks that are beyond the help desk department.

    Internally, I'm involved in our DevOps and custom app development teams.

  • Marine fabricator, which sounds better than upholsterer. I specialize in canvas, making enclosures for boats.

  • Professional retiree for like 3 decades now 😁 But I also worked a bit here and there and it was as IT-admin or freelancer or both.

  • Doing my BSC in Informatics atm but I am already working as a student intern network engineer for the state railway working on the internal train network and the train-to-land connection but also on stuff like the announcements and dashboards. Wherever I am needed.

  • I was an electrician for 15 years in the canadian military and for the last 3 years an instructor. I got really tired of using my whole body all the time and working outside all year round. I also got really tired of the military lifestyle and how bad the leadership got.

    Quit my old job 2 years ago and took up programming. Now im about to graduate from college(canada) with a 4.0gpa and hopefully have a job with i right away.

  • Electronics Technician and cryostat hall manager. I'm currently assisting in the moving of about 30 cryostats from various places in our current lab into the cryostat hall of our new building.

  • Online communications for an organisation that focuses on local youths. Everything they organise, do, etc... we offer them a platform and also acts as a link between them and the local politicians. Since we're an online platform, it's a very important job (or so it feels) but it's not always easy to explain. So most of the times I just describe it as: "I post a lot of things on social media and our website as well as writing a newsletter, plus I go to a lot of events"

    Trying to ditch all meta/big tech apps, tho, but almost impossible with this job. We rely on Instagram and TikTok a lot (our target audience is 16-30)... That's definitely a downside. Looking to expand to fediverse as well, but it's a slow process