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What's your favorite subgenre of horror?

Personally, I love horror comedy. I find a good one endlessly rewatchable. Cabin in the Woods, Return of the Living Dead, Tucker & Dale, Scream, frigging Killer Klowns from Outer Space! Definitely my favorite.

Otherwise I'm really into paranormal & zombie horror. I think that would make up my top three. Fast > slow zombies.

  • "Situational," if that's a thing? Especially with surreal elements.

    Curve short film as example. I'm existentially afraid of spillways now.

    Another example which is body horror on the surface, but the situation is the real scary thing as you find out alongside the main character exactly how fucked up things are in his world and how betrayed he is by authority: Operator (link is to the 2nd in the series, but that's the one where the plot takes off)

    Pop culture examples:

    Jordan Peele is a modern horror legend

  • Science Fiction horror. There are so few movies that do it right. I don't want to see a goofy monster chasing people around a ship. I want to feel the dread and helplessness of being isolated in the emptiness of space and having to deal with some unknown horror. A big part of the fun is the mystery and the endless possibilities.

    • Firefly does a good job of this with its Blue Gloves, Jubal Early, Adelai Niska, and Reavers. They're the worst kind of monsters—human ones.

      Also Twilight Zone (Peele series), Six Degrees of Freedom is fantastic existential scifi horror.

    • I love a good science fiction that's just beyond reality. Things that could actually happen in the real world with a not-too-unlikely dice roll.

      The Last Of Us for example: a known, real-world fungal spore that takes over its hosts body (ants) and uses it to attack and spread to other potential hosts; mutates to survive earth's rising temperatures allowing it to survive in and control larger warm-blooded hosts (humans).

      Thus, real zombies that aren't the result of some total fantasy fabricated in a lab that fucked up somewhere.

      It's more believable making the fear more real.

  • Eldritch. And not just "this guy is old", but some real eldritch shit. The monster has plans and somehow a regular person just happened to get in their way. There is no hope, no reason, no chance of survival. The only thing the character can do is mitigate the damage to their psyche.

  • Generally films where the "good guys" don't win, but if I had to pick a single genre that'd be cosmic horror. In the Mouth of Madness, Event Horizon, Color out of Space, Annihilation, etc.

  • My favorite kind of comedy is a horror comedy! But none of those are really horrifying, they are using the horror as part of the punchline. Ready or Not and The Menu were two that I really enjoyed recently.

    But my favorite kind of horror is body horror, especially if it has some kind of futuristic, alien, or supernatural effect. Something that is not part of our normal reality, possibly with menacing intent but also with something that is just doing its supernatural thing that ends up causing harm. I want horror to make me feel uneasy and full of dread in some way to find it horrifying, whether from cold and uncaring actions or the effects the thing has on the characters, as long as I am anticipating something wrong is going to happen and I am not sure what it will be. I especially love a dark or ambiguous ending!

    Unfortunately this means most horror movies are enjoyable for the first two acts and then they often fall apart in the third act by either overexplaining or leaning too hard into jump scares. They lose the effect that not knowing brings, or introduce something that undermines what was causing the dread.

  • Kind of a toss up, but zombie is up there, along with eldritch/lovecraftian. After that, it's old school slasher, which is often comedy after the first two or three in a given series lol.