I made 3D opensimplex noise's values uniformly distributed
I made 3D opensimplex noise's values uniformly distributed
TL;DR: Algorithm is at the end.
Earlier today [about half a year ago], I was presented with an interesting problem.
Minecraft-style procedural world generation is largely built around noise functions. Noise functions are roughly functions that smoothly vary their output through space. At a large enough scale they are random, but close enough values are almost the same.
This is great for for example the height in the world. You take a 2d noise function, layer a few more with smaller scale to get smaller details, and have a nice varied but continuous surface, without any nasty jumps or pillars.
Now, how would you do "biomes", i.e. regions of the game-world with different generation features that are more hand-crafted? A common approach is to generate smooth values for hidden parameters, usually temperature and humidity, then have a lookup table that assigns those values to a biome. For example low humidity and high temperature might result in a desert.
It seems natural to generate temperature and humidity with those same smooth noise functions, to prevent a frozen ocean generating right next to a tropical rainforest.
Now, the issue is, the values output by all commonly used noise functions are not evenly (uniformly) distributed. What this means is, if you divide your biome table say into 3 sections: snowy, temperate, and tropical, each taking up 1/3 of the biome table, you might reasonably expect that 1/3 of your world will be filled with each of those biomes.
This is not the case!
Noise functions are usually defined to output values in the range from -1 to 1.
The commonly used noise functions will most often output 0, and less often say 0.8 or -0.9. They will effectively never output -1 or 1. This comes about naturally, since usually they are implemented as averages between random values at set positions, which always skews towards the mean of 0. (opensimplex noise is called that because the positions of the random values are on a grid of simplexes (triangles, tetrahedra, ...))
If you are a game developer, you usually don't want to deal with things like weirdly redrawing the biome table in the way that makes the biomes appear where and how often you want them to.
If you have a biome that takes up 1/8th of the biome map, it should appear in 1/8th of the world, no matter at which humidity and temperature it is located in the biome map
So the problem is this:
In this plot, a bunch of random positions were pulled from the noise function. Their values are sorted into buckets from -1 to 1. Values are more often found in the center around 0 than towards the edges.
We would rather like to have a noise function like this:
You can see that all values occur roughly the same number of times, and the noise still looks noisy.
The noise shown here in both graphs is 3D opensimplex noise, but my methodology should be applicable to any other noise algorithm too.
The idea is actually really simple. We already have a 3D map filled with nicely ordered values, that occur at a well known (in theory) frequency. So what if we could just rescale the image to achieve a uniform distribution? Very large and small values are rare, so why not just push all values a bit further away from 0?
To do this, we need to do two things:
- We need to find the distribution of values
- We need to describe it with an equation
Finding the distribution is easy. I already did it in the images above. Simply sample the noise at a bunch of random points and collect the values into buckets. To get good results, the number of values needs to be large, but computers can do that.
The hard part is describing it mathematically.
Really hard.
Usually this would be the point where you deep dive into mathematical literature to find the hero who has analytically calculated the exact probability distribution function of opensimplex noise. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, this has neither been done nor is expected to be realistically doable any time soon.
The next best thing would be to find a simple function that is very close to the observed shape of our distribution.
The function we specifically want is the cumulative distribution function which "is the probability that a value of the original noise will be less than or equal to x". I.e. if I put in a value, then 20% of the time the output of the cdf will be less than 20%, and X% of the time it will be less than X%. A uniform distribution.
Probability theory tells us the cdf is the integral of the pdf, which is the shape of that histogram we plotted. So we take the amounts in our buckets and build a new list with each value being the sum in the previous list of buckets up to that position. We "accumulate" our histogram buckets. The cdf is shown in all histogram plots as a green line.
Now we have a bunch of values, and we want to find the function that matches those values.
At this point what I did was basically sit down and plot a bunch of functions in desmos, trying to match the shape of the cdf. Eyeballing what equations roughly create which shapes is probably a form of art, all I can say is that I have spent years doing it and am now relatively good at doing it without knowing what I am doing.
I tried a lot of shapes, but initially got no feasible results.
So I tried around with some regressions, fitting for example a degree 5 polynomial.
The cdf has a distinct s-shape which reminded me of 5th degree polynomials, and indeed the fit appears to be quite good. The bottom section of the plot shows the errors to the observed values, which here are below 0.5%.
But there is a major issue. The outer-most waves in that error-plot, are where the graph is almost entirely flat
Our fit - the dashed blue line - is going down, then up. It is wavy. If there is a biome transition there, then that will go back, then forth, then back, then forth, then back.
Let's look at a close-up of the noise, and exaggerate the problem slightly for dramatic effect
So I tried around with functions that the fit cannot make non-monotonic, that will always increase everywhere. The natural choice here is exponentials. I tried around with a lot of them, but in the end the most successful one ended up being a simple superexponential: a⸱exp(b⸱exp(c⸱x))
Note that this is only fit to the initial tail, up to -0.5. The reason becomes apparent when looking at the entire distribution:
The superexponential can describe one of the tails, to 0.01% precision (!), but neither both tails nor the central region of the cdf.
But that is ok. Remember the earlier fit of the 5th degree polynomial? The waves were pretty mild, so as long as the function itself is sufficiently sloped, the fit will still always increase. So we can simply chop of the tail of the superexponential fit, duplicate it for the other tail, then fill the gap in between with a polynomial.
Long story short, we now get a good match of the cdf, that is also continuously increasing:
Doing a final run with even more samples and finer buckets to get better regressions to a more accurate cdf, we end up with
def superexponential(x): a = 0.9248868293553111 b = 0.5485704082689358 c = 0.04401213030934333 return a*b**c**x # shifted down by 0.5 for convenience def degree5polynomial(x): a = 1.0831311631277447 b = -0.694250899807959 c = -0.24417784814719048 return c*x**5 + b*x**3 + x*a
Which we combine in a simplistic way by doing
def noiseCorrection(x): if x < -0.5: out = superexponential(x) elif x > 0.5: out = 1 - superexponential(-x) else: center = 0.5 + degree5polynomial(x) *( 0.5 - superexponential(-0.5) )/degree5polynomial(0.5) return 2*out-1 degree5polynomial We can now define our own noise function python from opensimplex import noise3 def noise(x,y,z): return noiseCorrection(noise3(x,y,z))
The factor ( 0.5 - superexponential(-0.5) )/degree5polynomial(0.5)
can be compiled in for an actual implementation. It can also be multiplied onto a, b, and c in degree5polynomial. It ensures a smooth transition between the 3 parts of the fit, by scaling the symmetric polynomial around the centerpoint to equal the superexponential tails at 0.5 and thus -0.5.
A major caveat here is that my correction will only work for 3D opensimplex noise, other noises and even other dimensions of the same noise have different value distributions, and need a different correction. The example images shown were 2d slices of the 3d noise.
A small caveat is that I didn't bother to rescale the final fit. It will actually yield values in the range from about -0.9999978 to +0.9999978.
If for some reason you really need exactly -1 and 1 to be possible outputs, let me first tell you about floating point imprecision. After that, you can simply divide the output of noiseCorrection by 0.9999978, giving a range of -1 to 1.