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I want more cyberpunk stories with punks

I'm tired of hard-boiled detectives and mercenaries with augmentations. I want some cyberpunk stories with middle-finger-in-the-air, anti-authority, non-confirmist, angry punks. Can anyone give me some recommendations? Movies, games, books, whatever. Just something with a punk rock attitude... more than Johnny Silverhand.

I'm thinking things like Hackers, or Burst City, or the SINless duology, or maybe Cookie Cutter (which I haven't played). I'm annoyed that I can't think of more than that..

And I'm hoping KILLTUBE actually comes out. Although while it looks extremely punk, I'm not sure if it's angry punk. We'll see.

(cyberpunk skull picture from Mashiene11)

  • You already mentioned the game so you may have already seen it but Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has what you want

  • Hiro and YT in snow crash are punk in their own respective ways, imo. You’ve probably already read that though.

    • True, YT is pretty anti-establishment. I'm not sure if The Deliverator is a punk though. He's more of just a bad-ass.

      • His rejection of the financial successes of Da5id and all the vanity around the black sun was pretty punk. He even puts on street gigs for his roommate

  • Have you read the Ghost Rider 2099 comics by Len Kaminski? The art is good too, but Kaminski's writing and cyberpunk stylings is inspired and inspiring.

    • Is that the one from 1994 or 2019? I haven't read either, I'm just curious which one is better. The art looks cooler in the 2019 version but for all I know, the story may be worse.

  • I've got a story in the Big Book of Cyberpunk called Keep Portland Wired. Here's the blurb:

    In an anarcho-capitalist near-future Portland, the government is extinct, corporations own everything, the poor with no credit score can’t even cross the street safely, and dissident punks race stolen rideable drones in dangerous rooftop competitions. Kal, a member of a local punk collective, finds that she can’t escape her past, no matter how hard she glides over the ruins of Portland’s landmarks.

    • I saw this book in many bookshops and I was always tempted to buy it, how is it generally? This particular story seems very interesting!

      • It's a great collection. There's a good variety of topics and styles and if you don't like one story, there's always another. Some of my favorite authors are included like Gibson, Sterling, Cadigan, Doctorow, and Stephenson. It's got a nice breadth to it such that lesser known authors could get included rather than only settling for the more well-known names and reprinted stories you might have already read elsewhere.