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Full L₃ Menger Hypersponge

This is a build I did last year, it is still on the server.
I built it using fly-hacks and fastmine, is an anarchy server.

This is the video description:

This an L₃ (meaning 3 iterations) Menger Hypersponge I built on my 4D Miner Server
You can find it there centered around (-66, 112, -34, 42), the server is publicly accessible.
Being an L₃, the sponge fits inside a 27x27x27x27 tesseract.

It contains 110592 blocks, but was built by carving 3-wide slices into an L₁ (scaled x9), turning it into an L₂ (scaled x3), then by carving 1-wide slices into the L₂ to turn it into an L₃ (scaled x1).
Therefore originally 314928 blocks where placed, then 128304 blocks removed with the hammer, then 76032 mined with the pickaxe.


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