Fluvio 0.15.2: lightweight distributed streaming analytics engine built on Rust and Wasm
Fluvio 0.15.2: lightweight distributed streaming analytics engine built on Rust and Wasm
Lean and mean distributed stream processing system written in rust and web assembly. Alternative to Kafka + Flink in one. - infinyon/fluvio
A distributed streaming platform that can run on Raspberry Pi 5.
Last October, at a conference we shared a demo running Fluvio and Stateful DataFlows on a Rasperry Pi 5 running an object recognition pattern.
Fluvio is a distributed streaming runtime for building event driven analytical applications.
Relevant for Builders who are writing applications in Rust. Software & Data Architects who are building intricate data processing workflows to build intelligent applications using Rust, Python, or JavaScript, and of course SQL.
Fluvio currently is version 0.15.2, closing towards version 1 steadily. The past release notes and features are here - https://www.fluvio.io/news/
Documentation updated as of last release - https://www.fluvio.io/
We released a benchmarking utility in v0.15 and a blog showing some basic benchmark runs here : https://infinyon.com/blog/2025/02/kafka-vs-fluvio-bench/
Would love for you awesome people to try it out and share your experience.