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What Protoframes would you like to see?

My top picks are my favs of Zephyr, Yareli and Ivara. Frost and Protea if I had to expand it to a top five.

Bonus round: what three frames do you think are getting a Proto treatment alongside Proto Temple? Praying for Frost actually πŸ™

  • THE protoframe of all protoframes: Nidus!

    And the mother of all that is good: Amaterasu Voruna with her still alive pack

  • I'm basic so hoping for Saryn, Nova, Ember, Frost😁

    Protea is a good choice too. I wonder what would Citrine protoframe look like

    • Citrine as a Protoframe would be horrifying. I can't imagine the dialogue tree. 😰

      • She'd probably constantly talk about gems and crystals, how they can revitalize your aura or protect you from bad spirits

  • Want: Ember, Mesa, Mirage (plus Saryn, Gyre, Khora if I'm allowed to be extra greedy)

    Expect: Ash, Ember, Rhino

    Please no: Jade