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Hello comrades, trying this once more. I really need some help getting groceries and restocking on bathroom supplies. Any comrade who wants to help out would be very much appreciated!

I also appreciate bumps very much!

Sorry for another repost, comrades. No idea what I would do without my online commie friends as I affectionately describe all of you to the people in my life. Still need help with this one from yesterday, though:

Still job hunting, I can't wait to find myself a new small business tyrant to exploit me various unacceptable ways in return for the ability to live a somewhat more dignified life.

Last one fired me literally within the first month in November after a schedule misunderstanding wherein I missed two shifts because somehow my piece of shit boss had literally just put me on the schedule for the next two weeks, but still expected me to be literally on-call to do my part time job of working the register at a convenience store on days not on the fucking schedule.

I can't drive, and I'm autistic, so this finding a new job thing has been taking a lot longer than I had wished or hoped.

If anyone wants to help me out on this, my cashapp and venmo accounts are both under the handle cosecantphi. DM me for paypal or zelle information. Any little bit is very much appreciated! Bumps too!